I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
An Open Letter to The World (Part 1) – God in his Own Words: ‘My Revelation and Contemporary Word.’
For as long as I can remember I have been involved in a conversation with God.
About eight years ago, however, this relationship went up a notch when God made it clear my life, and all it was, belonged to him.
But that journey is a story for another day.
This letter belongs to him.
And I share it to honour God. An identity I know to be real – a scientific fact if you like – and an identity I know to be suffering unbearably at the hands of our abuse.
Or bullshit – as he himself has described it.
I will only include myself briefly here, to give what I am sharing its origins.
To this day I know of no other person, who claimed to represent the wishes of God, and who has spent the past six years saying that life is sick and it is going to shut down - unless we put conditions on our expression and demands, and live in away that is supportive of life, rather than abusive.
The source of this message is God. Or, what I know as God. The same God who laid out the ten commandments. The same God who provided the substance of Jesus’ life and teachings. The same God the process of yoga was designed to lead us to…and so on!
But now it has come to a point where God does not care for labels.
Has our own attachment to labels and the ferocity and intensity with which we proclaim and defend them not decimated the energetic fabric of life, guaranteeing our world will never be at peace while that is our way?
Before I move on, some background.
The critical moment in my relationship with God came when I found myself in his presence, and in the presence of Jesus.
I was with two friends, who I suspect had some idea of what was happening, for one of them said, ‘Ask a question!’
I did
‘What do we need to know as a species, right now, at this time?’
This was around six-and-a-half-years ago.
I am certain my question surprised him. I don’t think he expected me to ask,‘What do we need to know’, so familiar he has now become with the more personal request for wisdom - ‘What do I need to know?’
In any case, from this moment on, our conversations intensified.
In the darkest hours of each night, without fail, I would awaken with messages and wisdom already fully formed in my mind.
I listened.
And I wrote.
Every night…and at any other time God chose to speak.
I first wrote that humanity had entered the period of revelation - life was sick and in big trouble - in the 2016 book, ‘Meditations for Action – Your Full Expression with Love’.
However, one of our most important conversations was still to come.
One night, in my hometown of Cootamundra, Australia, I sat on the edge of my bed, ready for sleep. And I did something I haven’t done before or since.
I made a request of God.
‘Okay’, I said, ‘let’s make a deal. I will do your work, but help me explain you in a way that even atheists could understand and believe in.’
I awoke to seven words.
‘You are the cells of my body!’ (See Featured Video at the end of this peace)
He went on. But, for now and for the purpose of this letter, this is enough.
It was as simple and clear as that.
Seven words.
Four seconds.
God’s revelation.
We are the cells of God’s body. Our humanity is our body. His body!
A singular being.
Of singular mind, body and energetic system.
The Father. Son. And Holy Spirit.
God’s physical body and form.
Ironically, in a time of great racial tension, the only thing missing is skin.
For the record, no one will convince me that we, as a small and temporary part of the human life, could be born with such an incredible and capable mind, and the actual body we belong to, go without.
Or that we, as a small and temporary part of a great body would have specific needs when it comes to caring for our physical, psychological and energetic health, and the body or system we belong to, wouldn’t.
So God is of mind, body and energetic system.
Just as we are, having been ‘made in his image.’
What does this information, God’s own revelation, where he explains himself in his own words, do?
Firstly, it does what he has wanted since he first started communicating with us.
It makes everything about God. Which it is.
It makes everything about the life and body we belong to. Nothing happens in our world without it happening to God.
Without it happening to the body we belong to. Without it happening to us. Without it happening to life.
Even the things we believe we are getting away with.
Thefts of intellectual property.
Accusing people of things they haven’t done.
Promoting our personal lives and brands and portraying ourselves as people of virtue, when even such expressions are harmful to life.
It is the law of revelation.
As a cellular component of life, what you turn out you turn out. What you produce, you produce.
And virtually everything the high-income world has turned out has been devastating to God. Simply devastating.
We promote our personal and professional lives. Life experiences boastfulness.
We hate, judge and ridicule Donald Trump. Life experiences the energetic quality of that hate, judgment and ridicule.
These things flood the system we belong to on a daily basis. Poisoning the very thing we are.
Each time someone boasts, or expresses hate and judgment towards another, no matter how lowly they believe them to be, life is poisoned.
God’s energetic health is corrupted.
As is the essence of the person being boastful or judgemental.
In this way the self-righteous among us have been slaughtering the collective health of humanity. Every attack on another, an attack on our body.
An attack on the very thing we are.
An attack on life itself.
Never fall for the adage, ‘the body is the barometer for the soul’. Nothing is less true! In fact, flaunt your body for praise and adoration and you are using it to corrupt your soul.
In this way the body can be the soul’s greatest betrayer.
My God, we have no idea of the abuse we have inflicted on life in its most recent period of history. Never has life been sicker and the abuse continues in its greatest hour of need.
Believe me when I say God’s suffering and anguish and his anger and frustration have been extreme.
Virtually everything the contemporary world is doing is contradictory to God’s physical, psychological and energetic health.
God’s body – the temple.
Our earth – a temple in its own right.
Both violated, traumatised and abused without their consent.
More on that later.
God’s revelation also does exactly what Jesus said it would!
Jesus knew that we were cellular components of God’s body – of life. And this knowledge formed the basis of his life and teachings.
It provides the evidence that validates everything he said, about who we were and what we would become, was true.
It proves his teachings to be real – or the truth, if you prefer.
And it exposes just how abusive we have been to God’s body and life, and the placenta – our sacred earth – which sustains it.
You see, God’s life, essentially and in its simplest form, is no different to ours.
As a baby in the womb, we have the placenta of the mother.
When we are born, the earth becomes our source of life. Our new placenta.
But unlike life in the womb, when born we become one of many dependent on our ‘mother’, for nourishment.
You can imagine how traumatised this resource is, given the abuse our greed has inflicted upon it.
And just as is the case when twins compete for nourishment from the placenta and one, for whatever reason, decides to be excessive, the other must experience an inadequate supply.
What can result in the womb is an unequal distribution of blood and nutrients, and growth for one of the twins can be restricted.
We see such restrictions in our world through the swollen stomachs and failing bodies of the millions who suffer or die from hunger each year.
And in trauma experienced by our earth.
And to think, while the imbalances of our world were taking lives, millions more were manipulating the energetic system we all belong to through their law of attraction practices, visualisations, vision boards and ‘universal’ requests for more.
To God – or life – one’s true abundance is measured by what one can go without. And by how little harm one needs to inflict on his body to feel peaceful and content.
In God’s eyes, one who desires excess or who places excessive demands on our world is lacking in abundance.
It is God’s wish and life’s only hope that we feel abundant without any need to abuse our world.
But this is not just about our physical demands. To God, our desire for fame or any need we might have to be ‘seen’ or ‘known’ as wise and inspiring are also examples of our lacking in abundance.
Boast of excess or boast of minimalism.
It doesn’t matter to God. He must still experience – and suffer - the boastfulness.
Our need to prove or demonstrate how clever and inspiring we are, has led our world down a very ugly energetic path.
We were told to have an impact, and we have.
We were told to leave a legacy.
And we have.
An impact so severe and destructive to life, it shut down and collapsed.
A legacy of trauma and abuse which led to the wounds life is reeling from today.
And our response – protests and riots.
More ferocity and intensity – cellular cancer attacking a body desperate to rest.
Do you want the cells within your own body to be supportive of your needs? Or destructive?
Do you want them to submit to your desires for good health and balance?
Or do their own thing, acting in opposition to your health?
To life we are what we are.
There are no celebrities in God’s eyes.
There is no such thing as business and economics.
Or politics.
And no personal brands.
There is no universe crossing its fingers you will be given a bounty in excess of your fair share.
Life never considered itself a marketplace and it most certainly does not permit any abuse of it on economic or financial grounds?
Would you sell your child for profit?
Some who live excessively claim life has been kind to them.
But from life’s perspective, they have been unkind to life.
This is what revelation is. The truth coming out.
The full understanding of who and what we are.
And the truth of how abusive we have been to life.
One might ask why did God feel the need to reveal who and what he is now? Or, more accurately, in the lead up to our world’s collapse?
He had to!
It had literally become a matter of life and death.
The world’s religions and spiritual paths had failed him, many choosing to play in a world of industry and economics.
Choosing commercial success over keeping life sacred. Forgetting one of the earliest and most important lessons life taught us – love, when life itself is the object of that love, knows how to say ‘No!’
I know God to be particularly upset with Christianity and yoga.
What good have they been to life? On their watch, our world collapsed. Yoga, at the peak of its popularity and commercial power, never more ‘yogis’ in the world, and at this point, life shuts down.
Life, betrayed by the paths assigned to protect it, for 30 pieces of silver.
God– or life if you prefer - had to reveal himself and help us understand who he was, so we understood who we were and what we are doing to him.
We were the cancer destroying his body.
Even now the life we belong to wonders if it’s worthwhile going on. Physical lives die, particularly when they are victims of abuse.
What does this mean for Christians? Including Catholics and all the other variations.
It represents their greatest test of faith.
First of all, is what I am saying true? Is it possible, we are literally one body, as we have been told since the beginning of time?
And is it possible that this body decided it needed to be better understood in order to save its own life.
When deciding they should be careful.
First of all, through his revelation God has removed religion from his list of employees because they failed him.
This is not to offend, but to survive. We were told revelation would happen when the world’s religions and spiritual paths had chosen material profit over sacred duty.
And he has replaced them with the teachings and principles of conditional expression.
His contemporary word and instruction is that we place conditions on our expression and demands so that who we are is supportive of his health.
Does this sound familiar?
It is the first commandment written again, but with greater clarity and simplicity.
Honour me by giving me what I need and what I asked for. Put conditions on your expression so that who you are and what you contribute is supportive of my health.
How can life ever flourish unless we live in a manner that supports it?
And how can we be supportive of life while doing whatever we want individually, and turning out a quality of energetic expression that is toxic and poisonous?
Life even told us what our priority should be – ‘I am a jealous God!’
Meaning, ‘I want, what I want. And I want you to provide that by how you live.’
In its simplest form, our humanity is God.
We are God’s physical form.
Making us a cellular component of that life. What we turn out will be experienced by that body.
It must be!
So instructions such as the Ten Commandments are not a matter of belief. Nor are they a matter of religion. They were very real instructions given to us by God– by humanity itself – about the things that are abusive and harmful to it.
When we breach them life must suffer?
In many ways they represent a formal document where life stated the behaviours it did not, and would not, consent to.
Because they make life sick.
Sadly for life, no means no for us. But not for it!
And that is what abuse is, right? Inflicting physical, emotional and energetic harmon a physical being without its consent or permission?
This is the whole point behind the concept of turning out.
Any hateful and judgemental remark, no matter where it is aimed, makes life sick.
Not because another person is flawed and imperfect. but because someone felt they had the right to bring hate and judgement into the world because they did not approve of another.
This is what Jesus meant when he predicted that one day we would see how brutal self-righteousness and false virtue would be to our world.
Our disgust at another is disgust at who and what we are.
When you exercise your liberty to hate or judge, you also exercise your right to be abusive to life.
Our experience, in human form, is one of choice.
We can choose not to harm our world just as we can choose to abuse it.
This is why God revealed himself to our world.
The sickness life was experiencing at the hands of our abuse was getting out of hand and its complete collapse was imminent.
It’s why we were given instruction to put conditions on our expression and demands so that who we were would support life.
Life was hoping to avoid the collapse and breakdown it is experiencing now.
Is it part of your health plan to have a stroke or a complete psychological breakdown, and then rely on medication to keep you going for the rest of your life?
Of course not!
And so it is with God. And life.
Life does not want vaccines to keep it going or rely on them to feel well.
It doesn’t want us relying on mindfulness and meditation to sustain ourselves as we continue to live in ways that are abusive to life.
It wants to feel well. And it cannot feel well without each of us putting conditions on our expression so that who we are is supportive of life. And of its health and dignity.
In God’s eyes, and in the eyes of life, we have never been more godless.
Or faithless.
Which is to say we have never been more loveless. Or more abusive.
At least when it comes to our relationship with life.
This is at the heart of the mindfulness taught in the philosophy of conditional expression.
One asks, from the perspective of God or life, ‘What is it that you need?’ Then allows this to guide their decision-making and expression.
We use ‘mindfulness’ practices and yoga to sustain an abusive approach to life.
But it’s the abuse that is killing the very thing we are. It’s the abuse that needs to stop. And the abuse can only stop if we each choose to put conditions on our expression so that our very existence supports life. Instead of hastening its demise.
So, life has cancer and its choice of chemotherapy is our conditional expression. It’s begging us to put it first.
What do you think the virus is? On a cellular level, the body we are all a part of is sick. It’s been pushed beyond breaking point physically, energetically and emotionally.
That’s why a system shuts down – whether it’s yours, mine or God’s.
We can blame China all we like. But life collapsed because our abuse became all too much for it.
A friend said to me the other day, ‘That’s the problem with philosophies, Tim. It’s you telling the world what YOU think it should do. People might not want to hear that.’
This I understand. Trying to share God’s word with the world has been nothing but traumatic.
But that’s been my point since the beginning.
It’s not Tim Guthrie telling the world what he wants. I have been a listener. I have never claimed to be the authority behind this message. I have joined dots, but I am not the source.
It’s God – or life – telling the world what he needs.
Or if you prefer, what it needs.
You know what the biggest hurdle has been to this message? Claiming the wisdom is not mine, but God’s! Or life’s.
And yet how many people offered a full philosophy predicting life’s collapse, along with a set of guidelines and wisdom which covered the things that were destroying the life, and what it needed to feel better?
Who could know better of life’s imminent collapse than the life that was collapsing?
I ask you, how can life work for life itself, or how can it ever feel well, unless its needs are met?
The answer is, it can’t.
Do we even want it to feel well? It can’t without our support and care.
Where does this leave religion?
The truth is we were never meant to have religion.
We weren’t meant to separate life‘s needs from the reality of our lives.
We were meant to accommodate, and be inclusive, of life‘s needs in our actions, expressions and decision-making.
Just as we might put boundaries on our own lives so that we will feel well, God – or life - was doing the same via the instructions he handed down.
Stories such as Adam and Eve warned us about taking from and exploiting life just because we could.
And the life of Jesus – perhaps the greatest yogi by the way – reminded us ours is an experience of free choice.
We can choose to be harmful to life. Or gentle. The life of Jesus was not meant to be the exception to the rule.
It was the rule. If we wanted to be supportive of life.
So, through conditional expression, Jesus steps outside the world of religion and spirituality and into mainstream thought and decision-making. Where he always wanted to be.
He didn’t teach ‘Christianity’. And placed no authority above life itself.
To give a contemporary take on this, capitalism did not put a gun to anyone’s head and say, ‘Be abusive to life!’
We chose to be.
If anything, Christianity has been defamatory to Jesus’ name and reputation.
We were never meant to do whatever we wanted.
We were meant to be what life needed and trust that this was all that was expected of us.
This was also the path for us to find true freedom, peace and lightness and liberation in the human experience.
For ourselves, others and the earth.
We were meant to embrace our humanity as our greatest gift.
To feel abundant as a default setting so that we did not need to harm life unnecessarily.
Virtually everything happening today - anger, hatred and judgement, the rioting and outrage, our mental health crisis - is fuelled by our disdain for humanity and our perception it is inadequate.
It’s no coincidence that in a day and age where our humanity is unacceptable and not worthy of love, that our world shut down.
The reasons we are using to attack others are the reasons we were meant to love them.
Everyone of us is a part of the mob and each of us has a stone in our hand.
Despite our own flaws and imperfections, and the many ways we are abusive of life, we are still throwing them.
And doing so with a ferocity that is crippling to the health of life.
Not to mention, our world is made less healthy with every throw.
It is the way of conditional expression to be far more concerned with how you are happening to the world, than how the world happens to you.
It is your contribution and expression that will define how abusive or supportive of life your expression will be.
No amount of spin and marketing, and no flaw or imperfection in another will change what that is.
No one taught us the true nature of life better than Jesus.
On the cross, having been battered and bruised by his murderers, Jesus reportedly states, “Father forgive them!”
Here, we see Jesus refuse to allow the injustices and abuse he was experiencing to validate his own abuse of life.
He still chose not to be abusive.
His highest priority was to preserve the dignity and health of life.
And he knew he would not be doing that while bringing hate and judgement into the world.
Just like God, Jesus was not religious.
His life and teachings were very real examples and guidelines on how to take care of humanity.
And contemporary humanity has proven him correct.
In the first instance, by showing that the way he lived was the only way we were ever going to keep our world healthy.
And in the second, by proving that we did not actually believe in him and did not have faith in him.
Believing in Jesus and being abusive to our world equates only to abuse.
Jesus was never going to save our world by telling us what to do or by living the way he lived alone. Even a thousand Jesus’ living as he did would mean little when it came to life’s overall health.
His life saves, if we collectively choose to live as he did.
To live a life of conditional expression.
That’s what he taught. Try to live a life that prioritises the health of life before all else.
When I first started sharing the philosophy of conditional expression, a frequent response was, “Tim, you can’t use the word conditional. No one wants conditions put on what they do!’
So I searched for another word.
But as I searched, God spoke, “Tim, conditional is the word. How does one demonstrate an unconditional love for life without putting conditions on their expression? The truth is, they can’t! “
And so, it stayed.
It’s actually what the first commandment asked of us.
To honour life and its needs before all else.
We can blame anyone and everyone for our current problems. It’s great to point the finger. It’s the way of our world right now.
My abuse of life is acceptable, but yours isn’t.
Systems shut down because of abuse.
And God’s system, the system that is our humanity, shut down because of ours.
Have you ever been boastful?
Have you ever hated or judged?
Do you honour the sabbath? And permit our humanity and earth a day of rest?
Have you ever manipulated and disrupted the energetic system of life using the law of attraction or visualisation techniques designed to create what you want, in an already broken world?
Have you been excessive in your demands of the earth’s resources?
If you have, then you have played your part in life‘s demise.
As I have.
None of this is about feeling guilt or shame or identifying good or bad people.
It is about reconciling with our humanity and feeling lightness and liberation because of it.
But it is also about finally, once and for all, bowing to life‘s needs.
Making its future one of peace and tranquillity.
Life is sick. And it needs our care and gentle tread.
God needs our support.
The life we belong to needs us putting conditions on our expression and demands so that who we are is supportive of its health and dignity.
It is the goal of yoga, Christianity and many other religious and spiritual paths to become one with God.
But we always have been.
It is the greatest irony in the history of our world that God has a human form. He is, in that sense, only human.
As we are.
So living with conditional expression is the true Yoga.
It is about understanding and being aware that we are part of God’s body, and then living the life that supports it.
The widespread psychological suffering in our world today and our obsession with healing is due largely to dissatisfaction with our humanity.
Only reconciling with it and being accepting of it – and perhaps even embracing it – can offer us true healing.
Or perhaps such an experience is better defined by an absence of the need for healing. A feeling that, ‘I am okay’ despite the many reasons I can identify for being otherwise.
What is conditional expression?
It is an unconditional love for life actioned and made real through the life one leads.
It is Yoga in action.
It is our becoming one with God, and with all life, in a way that is supportive of that life – of God.
To the religious and spiritual among us, this moment in time represents the greatest test of your faith.
Will you uphold your lenses or labels as an authority greater than the being you are meant to serve?
Will you accuse life of lying to us about its true needs while its suffering is at its greatest?
Or suppress those wishes to preserve your own power.
Right now, Life, or God, is asking the same thing of us, that Jesus demonstrated through his life.
‘Can you give up your attachments and the things that are abusive to me, including your labels?’
‘Can you put me first?’
Is there truth to what I’m saying?
Is it possible, that in life’s greatest hour of need, it has made itself known to us, so that we would come to understand just how damaging we were being?
Which is also to say, is there any truth in how Jesus lived, and in the things he taught?
Is there any truth to the teachings and principles of yoga?
Do our world’s religions have any power to benefit our world when they are built upon words on paper and lacking in the substance that truly supports life.
Life, God and Jesus have been bound up and imprisoned by the religions that claimed authority for them.
Their reputations, at best, misunderstood.
At worst, destroyed.
Ironically, in 2019, I published a book called ‘Stop in 2020’.
My hope was that we might give life the break it so desperately needed if it was to avoid the collapse it is experiencing now.
Of course, it wasn’t read.
And life collapsed.
The system we belong to shut down because we refuse to give it what it needs, and instead pursued what we wanted as individuals.
Like Thomas, we couldn’t act out of love and faith.
We need to see the wounds. We need to witness the suffering of life and its tragic breakdown to question who we are.
That’s the idea behind conditional expression. And the first and most important commandment.
To care for something because it is sacred.
To treat it gently, so that it doesn’t break down unnecessarily.
And so it doesn’t suffer horrendous abuse.
In any case, here we are.
Life is on its knees. And the abuse continues.
We cannot change what has happened.
Life broke down.
But we can begin to take steps to offer the life we belong to, the peace and care it so desperately craves.
The peace and care it has asked for.
One of the sources of my rejection has been that I credited the message of conditional expression to God.
So, I write this letter to share the true foundation of conditional expression.
The God of conditional expression is neither mystery nor fantasy.
It is a very real life, a life that we belong to, a life that desperately needs us to function in a way that is supportive of its health.
Our health.
I have said it before, and I will say it again.
How can life ever work for life itself, unless we tend to its needs.
It is the law of revelation which tells us that to life, we are what we are.
We cannot alter this, and nor will being secretive in our abuse make a difference.
Does what you have read here fully explain our existence?
Perhaps not.
But if nothing else I believe it to be helpful in understanding our relationship with life and our true impact on it.
After all, what you read here is founded in the answer to the only question or request I have made of God.
“Help me explain you in a way that would even help an atheist believe.”
‘You are the cells of my body!’
And so it is!
I hand over this wisdom to the world, on behalf of God, all life and the sacred placenta that sustains us, our sacred mother Earth.
There is no judgement here.
Regardless of what anyone says, we can only judge and define ourselves as to what we truly are to life, and we do this by being who we are.
And God – or life - knows exactly what this is.
They must experience it.
There is great irony in the fact that in the age of the influencer and in a global climate of outrage at abuse the only influencer we haven’t listened to, or taken seriously, is the most abused and violated identity of all.
The only influencer who actually matters.
Or, if you prefer, life itself.
Along with our poor broken mother – the sacred placenta who strives to care for us all.
With a deep and unconditional love for life.
For the full Conditional Expression Philosophy Click Here
For the Chapter on ‘Turning Out’ – Click Here
For the Chapter on the Laws of Conditional Expression – Click Here
For the Chapter on The Revelation of God – Click Here
For 'Mindfulness in Conditional Expression - Click Here
For ‘Stop in 2020’ – Click Here
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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