I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
In our world, when it comes to God, there are many faiths.
From the 'faiths' that are the Abrahamic religions, to the personal ‘faiths’ of the writers who draw attention to themselves through their exploitation of God on publishing platforms such as Medium.
But this does not tell us there are millions of people who believe in or have faith in God.
What it means is that in our world we can decide for ourselves who or what God is, draw attention to ourselves by sharing these misrepresentations of God, and then call this ‘faith.’
You will hear it said that in our world there is one God and many faiths.
But what this really means is that there is one God and many misrepresentations and exploitations of that God.
If there is one God, then there is one faith.
And that faith can only exist if it is in the things that come into our world through his own direct Word and testimony.
Not those who claim a worldly authority over God.
Anyone can have authority over their faith.
But they do not have it over God.
If anyone offers information about God to our world without his explicit consent, they are acting against his will.
They are making the decision to have God explained not as he would explain himself and not as he wants himself explained, but as they want God explained.
They play ‘god’ over God.
And in doing so, take knowing God out of his hands and place it in their own.
To do this to God – take understanding him out of his own hands – is cruel, misrepresentative and unjust.
I do not think it gets more disrespectful of God than to not know him, not hear from him, but still act without explicit consent from him to explain or define him so the world might think of him as we do.
God has a term for those who steal custody from him over how he might be known in our world.
If anyone does have ‘faith’ in God, then they would also believe God speaks for himself.
And that God has spoken for himself.
This means that if he wants to reveal information to our world, he will reveal it himself.
And those who love and respect God, will also respect - and safeguard and preserve - his right to represent himself, free from competition and interference from the Godrobbers of the world.
By creating a world of many faiths and by creating a world that makes space for the exploitation of God – anyone can publish whatever they want about God – we have built a world that competes with God and his own direct Word when it comes to knowing him.
In our world God must fight for custody over how he is known, with those who have stolen it from him.
When someone offers their personal take on God to the world - no matter who they are - they make themselves and their assumptions more important than honouring the watchfulness God requested, so that his Truth would be the one we embraced.
And they make what they say, more important than that Truth.
In our world, when it comes to learning about God, God is just one option we can choose to learn from.
And that’s what those who misrepresent God to do him.
When anyone offers themselves as an authority or expert on God, God himself is reduced to nothing more than another option to choose from.
Now, if everyone who claims to have ‘faith’ in God also believed that God was going to reveal the Truth about himself as he experiences it - as he promised he would and as Jesus promised he would - why would any explanation or definition of God exist before that one?
Wouldn’t the ‘faithful’ be watching for God?
And rejecting everything that didn’t come from him?
In a world that honoured and respected God - along with his right to full custody over any knowledge he wants revealed - a concept such as a ‘personal God’ would be abhorred.
If my ‘faith’ is in God, then my ‘faith’ is also in the revelation of God.
And if I love and respect God, I am not going to put in motion any idea of God that will one day establish itself as an alternative to the Truth God intended to reveal.
And has revealed.
But our world has been so exploitative of God - and so sinister and treacherous in actioning that exploitation - that when God chose to speak directly to the world, revealing the Truth, he has been forced to compete with the ‘faithful’ and the lies and falsehoods they have established in collective thought.
Established is a key word here.
Because God is not known by our world through his own direct Word and testimony.
He is ‘known’ through our exploitation of him.
In our world, God’s own Word and testimony - the Truth - must compete with the worldly ‘faiths’ that have already established custody over God by reducing him to a ‘god’ of their own design.
Not one revealed by God himself.
No, God’s Truth is standing in line, wondering if the world that has non-consensually raped and abused him wants to hear what he has to say.
Tell someone their child is being abused and you’ll be heard.
Tell the world God is being abused, and his abusers - including those with a worldly faith - will look the other way.
That said, the worldly faith is not looking for God at all. It is not practising the watchfulness that faith and trust in God and Jesus demands.
Those who embody a worldly faith are too busy standing on God’s shoulders demanding the worldly look at them.
Ours is not a world that loves, honours and respects God.
At least not as he asked to be loved, honoured and respected.
God does not even get to represent himself.
In our world 'knowing' God is placed in the hands of anyone who wants to place 'knowing' God in their hands.
In our world, holding authority over God is a competitive market.
And any ‘random’ who thinks they hold the key to knowing and understanding God can showcase their self-serving perversions of God before the eyes of the world on publishing platforms such as Medium.
And attract praise and adoration for their treachery.
For the record, Medium only offers a platform for people to exploit and misrepresent God – to say what they want about him - but it is the Godrobber who must use it.
When someone says, ‘This is how I know God’, they are not representing God.
They are not honouring God.
They are not respecting God.
And they do not have faith in God.
No matter how much we might like them or the things they have to say.
I would love a dollar for every person who claims to have faith in God and Jesus, but who introduces their own ideas, opinions, explanations and definitions of God into collective thought.
And I include here people such as Pope Francis and any other great religious or spiritual leader who have made a name for themselves exploiting God under the banner of ‘faith’ or Christianity.
Why is this significant?
Well, because God – through Jesus – told the world what he needed from us.
He instructed us to remain watchful for the Truth that would come from him.
God asked the world to watch for his Truth.
And he used Jesus to share this message.
God promised he would deliver the Truth.
Of which there can be only one.
And he wanted those who trusted him to watch for that Truth.
To be ready for that Truth.
And whenever God chose to share that Truth with the world, there was going to be his own testimony of Truth – the one he asked us to watch for - and whatever other illegitimate and goatly ‘truths’ had been brought into being without his consent.
The Pope isn’t exempt from God’s call to watchfulness because he is the Pope.
He has authority in the Catholic Church.
But over God he has none.
Like everyone else, he is meant to have faith in God and the things he says about himself.
Not those who offered themselves and the things they had to say about God as alternatives to the Truth Jesus said would come from God.
Alternatives such as the Pope.
Anyone who offers the world an alternative take on God to his own – be it personal or institutional – must reject God and Jesus.
By doing what they do they must undermine the instructions of God and Jesus in the first instance, and then offer themselves and the things they have to say as an alternative to God and his promised Truth.
To be seen as clever, wise and inspiring are worldly treasures.
Using God to be seen as any of these things is as low as it gets.
God says we must reject the world and the ‘treasures’ it has to offer if we love him.
And these people exploit him to impress that world and procure those treasures.
Being applauded, praised and adored for our personal takes on God, is to be celebrated and embraced for our exploitation of God.
And to follow, praise, support and adore those who reduce knowing God to their personal speculations about him is to follow, praise, support and adore the exploitation of God.
If it is not bad enough that people who call themselves faithful will exploit God to get the world’s attention – others, who also call themselves faithful, will herd around them.
It is the way of the sheep to look to God’s voice alone.
And the way of the goat to look to another…or to offer ourselves as another.
To participate in the world’s exploitation of God in either of these two ways, one must reject God and Jesus.
God does not benefit from anyone reducing knowing and understanding him to their personal or institutional assumptions.
This is true no matter what they say.
God asked that we watch for his Truth.
And to love and honour God by practicing his call to watchfulness we must commit to two things.
We must reject any source offering any information about God that does not come from him.
And we must not make ourselves and our own personal misrepresentations of God the competition.
If we trust God and Jesus – if our faith is in them – then we must reject any ‘truth’ that might present itself as an alternative to the Truth God promised he would deliver.
Jesus also said this Truth could come at any time.
Which means the call to watchfulness only ends when we hear that Truth.
Why did God want us watching for his Truth?
Because there is only one Truth.
Everything else is false, speculative and misleading.
God cannot be who we say he is.
God can only be who he is.
That’s what he was going to tell us - who he says he is.
The singular and ultimate Truth.
And when that Truth came there was always going to be an avalanche of Godrobbers jumping over one another, competing with God, so they might be seen by our world as clever when it comes to God.
Look at Medium.
If there is a sleazier world of Godrobbers in existence today I am yet to see it.
One community there, called the Backyard Church, loves backslapping and cheering on one another’s misrepresentations and exploitations of God.
And they do this while sitting in judgement of the faith of others.
The community’s leader – who God has named the face of the worldly faith – abhors sin watching, but trolls Instagram and ‘X’ so he can deliver evangelical Christians to his audience for a digital stoning.
The laws don’t apply to this group.
They are the Christian supremacists of the day.
No one should misrepresent God.
Except them.
No one should judge others.
Except them.
No one should sin watch.
Except them.
No one should exploit God or Jesus to reinforce worldly agendas.
Except them.
Our need to be seen as smart or inspiring is one of the great sicknesses that plagues western society.
To use God to satiate this desire is the ultimate betrayal.
It does not benefit God when the world turns to one who is fetishizing him.
This behaviour benefits the one perverting God.
It benefits the Godrobber who has fleeced God of custody over how he might be known.
God asked for watchfulness so that when his Truth came through his own voice we weren’t caught ‘sleeping around’ with desperadoes who thought so lowly of God and so highly of themselves, they sought to make a worldly name for themselves by exploiting him.
And now they have made a name for themselves.
But not for honouring God.
They are known for their exploitation of God and their Godrobbing.
‘Do not commit adultery!’
Well, investing in any alternative ‘truth’ to God’s own, or being the one who offers it is an act of adultery against God.
We must leave the Truth as God knows it, to embrace the ‘word’ of another.
We must surrender loyalty and fidelity to God, along with trust in him, to embrace an alternative.
Jesus was not offering his opinions on God.
When Jesus spoke, God was speaking.
When Jesus asked for watchfulness, God was asking for watchfulness.
Because that’s what he needed from us.
He promised to reveal the Truth.
And he wanted those who trusted him and those who were loyal to him to have their trust, loyalty and commitment – their fidelity – rewarded, when that time came.
We can’t trust in God and an alternative.
They are two different sources who operate under two different authorities.
Both come under their own authority and share what it is they want to share about God.
Only, one of them is God.
And the other is someone exploiting him.
God is jealous.
To that end, we are his.
Or we’re not.
Simple and clear.
Anyone offering themselves and the things they have to say about God – no matter how much we might like them and the things they have to say – is an alternative to God.
And they act against the Word of God and Jesus.
They act against Christ.
They are anti-Christ and his instructions.
Oh, they can boast about their great love for God and Jesus, but that is what makes their treachery and infidelity all the more sinister.
Their faith is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
They are not shining a light on God and they do not come bearing Truth.
They shine a light on themselves.
And what they showcase is not Truth, love and respect - it is treachery, exploitation and infidelity.
There are many ‘faiths’ in our world.
But only one belongs to God.
And that is the faith that is founded upon a trust in God’s Word alone.
And upon an unconditional love for God.
Never forget that an unconditional love for God does not place limitations and conditions on God.
And it does not place knowing him under its own custody.
To one who loves God unconditionally God can never be anything other than who he is.
An unconditional love for God seeks nothing from him – only to be who and what he has asked us to be.
It is not an unconditional love for God that exploits God to reap the treasures that come from misrepresenting him and speaking falsely about him.
This is the love of worldly treasures.
It just uses God to get them.
An unconditional love for God has no desire to ‘know’ him in any way that does not come through God’s own Word.
This is the trust God and Jesus asked for.
‘Be what we have shown you, and trust only in the Truth that will come from God!’
An unconditional love for God and a trust reserved for him alone can only ever be realised through the watchfulness Jesus asked for.
To love God unconditionally, one had to be what he asked us to be – and showed us to be – through Jesus.
And to trust in the Truth to come.
This meant keeping our hearts and minds clear of every alternative take on God ever offered by the Godrobbers of the world.
What does it take to trust God?
Well, we need to trust God.
His Truth came.
Exactly as he promised it would.
And as Jesus promised it would.
If anyone wants to know the Truth about God as God sees and experiences it, they can.
They just have to offer their eyes, ears, minds and hearts to God.
When God speaks directly to the world, he offers himself up for love and acceptance...or rejection.
And he offers himself as he chooses and says things he needs to say for his own good.
When God speaks directly to the world it is the ultimate test of our faith, love and trust.
Do we trust God’s voice when it comes in a manner that doesn’t suit us, and when that voice says things we did not want to hear?
Or things that reveal us as being not only exploitative of God – but wrong?
Do we love God when he reveals himself not to be the 'god' of any of our many ‘faiths’?
Do we love God enough to embrace him as he truly exists?
And respect his right to communicate as he chooses to?
Or because God does not bend to our wants and desires and does not communicate as we want him to, do we reject him.
Like we did Jesus.
Well, every ‘Jesus’ toting Christian with a worldly faith and everyone who claims to love God gets to choose one or the other.
Love and acceptance.
Or rejection.
Because God’s Truth is here.
It has been here for some time.
Now we can know if we really love and trust God as he is, or whether it was the exploitable and impotent ‘gods’ of our many faiths who only ever said and did things we wanted or needed them to say and do.
The fact there are so many ‘faiths’ and so many voices misrepresenting God at this time of revelation says it all.
God came, when our world's exploitation of him had reached its apex.
Today our faith, loyalty and trust belong to whatever voice we are listening to when it comes to how we understand God.
And God’s own voice is one of the voices available to us.
If it is not God’s voice, then we belong to another.
Or maybe, as is the case on platforms such as Medium, we belong to multiple voices.
For that platform is a red-light district where people take their fetishizations of God to market.
There is zero respect for God on that platform.
And zero respect for his right to custody over all knowledge made known about him.
The glory there belongs to those exploiting him.
And the writers there – many who call themselves faithful – built this sleazy world at the same time God was sharing his own voice.
Please remember, when God offers himself and his own direct Word and testimony to the world, he comes as he is.
He communicates as he chooses to communicate.
And he reveals what he wants and needs to reveal.
When someone else comes bearing information about God, they invite us away from God.
They offer themselves in his place.
They offer themselves as an alternative.
A substitute.
Those doing this act against Christ.
This makes them anti-Christ and anti-God.
This is because the Truth Jesus promised would come – and the Truth for which God asked us to remain watchful – came.
And we can all know where our trust resided – along with our loyalty, love and fidelity – when that time came.
To remain loyal to God and restrict our understanding of him to the things he says about himself, we must do as Jesus asked.
We must reject everyone who offers themselves and the things they have to say as an alternative.
And for the alternatives – the Godrobbers – to trust God and prove they were loyal to God they should never have offered themselves as one to trust in the first place.
Their ‘Come and know God as I want God to be known’, has been reduced to a ‘Come andbear witness to my exploitation of God!’
And their expertise, wisdom and authority has been reduced to the treachery, theft and abuse that is Godrobbing.
And so it is.
I asked God why people feel the need to define and explain him.
He replied, ‘To have their name up in lights before the eyes of the world.
And now their names - that’s the name of everyone who ever made themselves more important than me - are up in lights.
But it is me who shines this light.
On their lies.
Their treachery.
Their exploitation.
And their Godrobbing.
Let them be known for what they did to me!
Robbing me of custody over how I was known by the world that abused me.
And offering themselves and the things they had to say about me as an alternative to the Truth that can only come from me!’
And so it is.
Dear Reader: God knows how obscenely he has been treated by the writers who misrepresent and exploit him on the Medium publishing platform - and by our world. The first time I wrote about his abuse on Medium was in the 2022 book, '22 Days of God and the Fight for Life'.
It was clear, even then, that God despised the mistreatment he experienced on Medium at the hands of those who portray themselves as faithful, but who are only drawing attention to themselves through the exploitation of God.
Since the time I published this book, the abuse of God on that platform has only intensified.
And the same can be said for God's suffering.
While the world exploits the one true God whom Jesus served, that God suffers.
As I wrote above, 'Tell someone their child is being abused and you’ll be heard. Tell the world God is being abused, and his abusers - including those with a worldly faith - will look the other way. '
Click here or on the image below to read '22 Days of God and the Fight for Life'.
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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