I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
God is without a doubt, the most abused, misrepresented and exploited being in the history of our world.
The fact that there exists so many ‘faiths’ tells us this.
The fact that so many people gather on writing platforms such as the one known as Medium to traffic their personal misrepresentations and perversions of God to rabid audiences tells us this.
The fact those who define God and make themselves authorities on God, neither know him, nor have his consent to do what they do, tells us this.
If the ‘world’ actually had faith in God - which means it trusted in his Word alone when it came to knowing him, and not those exploiting him to attract attention to themselves - and truly sought to love and honour him, then God would not have experienced the suffering and abuse that have come with our misrepresentation and exploitation of him, and our worldly thefts of custody over how God might be known and understood.
If God were sacred to our world, and if God was honoured and respected, it would not be lucrative to misrepresent and exploit him.
It would not be considered acceptable for anyone who did not hear directly from God to say anything about him.
We would not ‘know’ and ‘understand’ God through those who have exploited him.
And we would remain watchful for the moments when God might choose to speak for himself.
Not scatter our attention and loyalties between the multitude of worldly ‘authorities’ and ‘experts’ who exploit God to be seen by the world – ‘experts’ and ‘authorities’ who have offered themselves as alternatives to God.
We would know him through his own direct Word and testimony.
That said, there is a ‘faith’ that does this.
There is a ‘faith’ that has as its foundation an unconditional love for God – and the desire to honour him.
This faith is embodied and expressed through the being of what God asked us to be.
It is a faith completed by the embodiment and expression – the actioning - of God’s Word, as lived and taught by Jesus.
And it is the faith that trusts in God’s Word alone.
To one who carries this faith, if God did not say it, it should never have been said.
Collective thought should never have been corrupted by even one splice of information about God that did not come directly from him.
Those who do this take knowing and understanding God out of his hands and place it in their own.
Anyone who truly loves God and seeks only to honour him, would never deny God’s right to sole custody and authority over all knowledge ever made known about him.
If God is not saying it or has not asked it to be said, then what is being said about him should never have been said.
But our world – I refer here especially to those with a worldly faith - does not honour, love and respect God as he asked to be loved, honoured and respected.
It exploits him.
It takes what it can get from him and uses him in ways that guarantees the worldly treasures flow.
We do not know Pope Francis because he loves God and places himself at God’s feet.
He does not trust in God’s Word alone.
He advocates for the Catholic church’s specific misrepresentation of God.
We know him because he has made himself an authority who stands above God.
We know him as one who has placed knowing God in the hands of himself and his Church.
Just as we do not know the writers on Medium because they honour and glorify God by being what he asked each of us to be.
We know them because they misrepresent and exploit God.
We know them because they fleece him of custody and control over the things made known about him.
Look at how much our world talks about misinformation, lies and misrepresentations of truth.
We do exist in a post truth world.
Where Truth will be deemed not to be true, so long as the ruling agenda of the day requires that Truth not to be 'true.'
Today we will design whatever ‘reality’ suits us, and then call that the ‘truth’. Even if it means the reality we belong to – the one that does exist – must suffer.
But Truth can be rejected, twisted, tailored, manipulated, adapted, denied, dismissed and misappropriated - but it will always exist.
Truth never dies.
When hidden, it sits like gold, waiting for that moment when someone takes a pick to the mud and dirt surrounding it - all the worthless, exploitative and insubstantial alternatives concealing and competing with it - and reveals it once and for all.
God is this world’s greatest and most abused victim.
And the most sinister of his abusers are those who fleece him of custody over how he is known and understood by our world but do so under the banner of ‘faith’ and ‘love’, while glorifying themselves.
If anyone is speaking things about God that he has not said directly, then authority over how is understood and over the things being said about him, has been stolen from him.
Any personal or institutional take on God that has not come directly from God - that’s any opinion, explanation or definition relating to him - forms the mud and dirt that conceals and competes with God’s Truth.
Gold’s Truth being the gold.
But now that pick swings.
And it strikes sure and true.
For the one wielding it - God - cannot miss.
And he cannot miss because the targets of his fury reveal themselves by trafficking and flaunting their misrepresentations of God’s Truth and their infringements upon his right to sole custody over all knowledge and Truth revealed to our world.
Is it not ironic that these targets, when promoting themselves and their ‘expertise’ about God, are also identifying themselves as one who exploits him?
God has labelled anyone assuming any type of authority over him - that’s anyone defining him or explaining him as they want him defined and explained - a Godrobber.
They rob God of custody over the things our world comes to know about him.
For the record, the term Godrobber was inspired by the rampant exploitation of God one can witness daily on the Medium writing platform.
Where those who call themselves faithful take to God like vultures, standing over an exhausted and defenceless prey, ripping away bits of flesh.
One at a time.
And then sometimes altogether.
But God is not defenceless.
How hard some have worked, to build themselves a reputation for being an ‘authority’ on God.
Lapping up the adoration and praise.
Preying on God to build what they have built.
And now God preys on them and the houses of straw they reside in.
But he does not even have to huff and puff.
How easy for God to topple everyone who ever sought to assume control over how he should be known.
His work has been done for him by those who have abused and exploited him in this way.
They have identified themselves.
He just had to label them and their behaviour.
One word - Godrobber - and everyone who ever trafficked their own personally preferred misrepresentation of God to the world, has been rendered his abuser.
No longer an authority or expert.
But one who has exploited him.
One who stood before the world and said, ‘know God through me’, but in doing so offered themselves as an alternative to God.
A substitute.
Their ‘truth’, an alternative to his Truth.
Their word, an alternative to his Word.
Their trash, an alternative to his Treasure.
Their mud and dirt, an alternative to his Gold.
Add an ‘L’ - for love - to God, and you get gold.
When someone says, ‘this is who God is to me…’
Someone says, ‘I believe God is this…’
Someone says, ‘this is why God does this or that…’
And so on.
It does not matter how much we like the mud and dirt - or the trash - being laid out before our eyes.
We do not decide what truth is by reducing it to the things we like and agree with, or the things we want God to be.
Truth, when it comes to God, cannot be adapted, tailored, measured or defined by any source other than God.
Truth exists because it comes directly from God.
Truth exists when God speaks.
Truth exists because God brought it into being.
Anything ever written or spoken about God that did not - or does not - come from God, comes under the banner of Godrobbing.
It comes under the banner of ‘things said about God that did not come from God!’
And now we know where our trust lies.
Do we trust in the things about God that did not come from God? Especially if we made these things up ourselves.
Or only the things he says directly about himself?
Remember, if God did not ask for something to be said - that’s anything - then what is being said is both speculative and non-consensual.
‘Consent’ for this type of information to be shared is granted to themselves by the person sharing it.
And authority over what is being shared does not belong to God, but rather, to the one sharing it.
When a Godrobber gets to work, God is not educating the world about the Truth as he experiences and understands it.
He is being made known as someone wants him to be known.
God no longer exists as he exists.
He ‘exists’ as someone believes he should exist.
And he has no control over the things being said about him.
God becomes the puppet.
The servant.
The slave.
The prostitute.
It is the one with the worldly faith - and who calls themselves faithful - who becomes the master, ruler, slave owner and pimp!
But the days of trading in the exploitation of God are over.
Remember, anyone reducing God to an understanding of God that did not come from him, is to be known as a Godrobber.
It is a real term.
It exists.
It does not need to find its way into a dictionary or gain acceptance by a world that values Truth as much as it values human life in all its forms.
Godrobber - (noun) - anyone who steals custody and control from God over information being shared about him.
Examples of how to use:
1. The Godrobber on the Medium writing platform was successful. Even though he did not know God, and acted with neither God’s blessing nor consent, his audience lapped up and supported the misrepresentations and lies he shared about God on an almost daily basis.
2. The Godrobber was considered one of the great religious leaders of his time - but he was still a Godrobber.
Godrobbing - (verb) - the act of speculating about God or sharing information about God that does not come directly from God. In this way custody over information being made known about God is stolen from him.
How to use:
1. The spoils he accrued through his Godrobbing were great. People flocked to hear what he had to say about God. And would even refer to the things he said as truth. But no truth escaped his mouth. He was a Godrobber. Nothing more, nothing less.
2. The incidence of the abuse of God that is Godrobbing on writing platforms such as Medium is not only rampant, but also lucrative. People herd there to trade in the misrepresentation and exploitation of God, much to the delight of their followers and supporters.
If God was truly sacred, there would be no Godrobbing and no Godrobbers.
People would strive to be what he asked us to be.
And remain watchful only for the revelations of Truth that come from him.
Because one who believes God is sacred also believes custody over his own Word and testimony - and therefore custody over how he is known and understood - is sacred and belongs to him alone.
One cannot claim to trust God, if they are wading in the mud and trash brought into our world by Godrobbers.
How many experts on God have spoken about the way of life that is conditional expression?
Or the faith, love and trust that exists in God alone, and that rejects them and others like them, and their exploitative word on God.
How many have witnessed the Truth God has been sharing in competition to the trash they have offered and continue to offer?
The answer is none.
God is exploited.
God is used.
And God is abused.
Worldly hearts crave influence, relevance and attention.
Worldly hearts need to be seen.
And adored.
Worldly hearts love to have worldly eyes gazing upon them.
These are worldly treasures.
They have no value to Life.
They have no value to God.
Exploiting God to get these things is as low as it gets in the eyes of God.
To misrepresent and exploit God so the world that rapes him looks in our direction to ‘know’ him is unforgivable.
God has no problems with our humanity.
It’s our greatest gift.
But fleecing him of custody over how he is known and understood?
Inviting the world to know God through things he never said and never consented to being said?
No - playing ‘god’ over God is unforgivable.
To do this one must prop themselves up before the eyes of the world by standing on God’s shoulders.
When one does this, they are not honouring and glorifying God - they are honouring and glorifying themselves.
And adding weight to the mud and muck that conceals the Truth and drags eyes and hearts away from God and towards those who come bearing lies, betrayal and deception in their hearts.
But now this behaviour has a name.
As do those who engage in it.
We are all blessed with choice when it comes to the sources of information we trust when it comes to God.
In a world that trusted God there would be one faith.
Founded on our being and way of life.
And in a trust reserved for God's Word alone.
This ‘faith’ exists, but it does not exist as anything real or of substance unless it is embodied and expressed through our being.
This faith – the one that exists in God alone and seeks only to honour him - is called conditional expression.
It came into being in the exact same moment as God’s voice.
From the moment God - or Life as we can know him now - began to speak, we could choose which voices we trusted when it came to how we loved, understood and honoured God.
Choosing to know God through one who does not know God is as great an insult to God as being one who does this.
We can choose to misrepresent and exploit God ourselves.
And we can choose if we are willing to trust those who are sinister and cruel enough to do these things.
It’s always God or a Godrobber we are hearing from when it comes to God.
There are only two categories in existence when it comes to categorising all information about God that exists in our world.
Knowledge and Truth that comes from God.
And the mud and muck that comes from a Godrobber.
Truth emanates from God.
Liking what someone says about God does not equate to loving God.
Or knowing God.
It equates to loving the misrepresentation and exploitation - not to mention the non-consensual abuse - of God.
And knowing him through someone’s abuse and exploitation of him.
Conditional expression is brought into existence when one embodies and expresses an unconditional love for God.
It is a way of life that can only be made real through our being.
This type of love for God would never mould God to its liking.
Instead, it moulds its life to God’s liking.
And its knowledge and understanding of God to the things God says about himself.
One who loves God unconditionally does not place conditions, limitations and restrictions on God.
And they do not want the world to understand God through the things they have made up about him.
That would be a ridiculous notion to one who only wants to know God through God.
And to understand God through God’s Word alone.
Honour, trust or embrace the Godrobber and we honour, trust and embrace one who has offered themselves as an alternative to God.
The being and trust that guides conditional expression - the ‘faith’ that guides conditional expression - came into existence with God and his voice.
It is the first faith.
And it will be the last.
God has taken his pick to the mud and muck that competes with the gold that can only come from him.
That mud is offered by the Godrobber.
They offer the fruits of their exploitation of God, to our world.
They ask the world to know God through them, and their perversions of him.
And our world laps it up.
But we always have a choice.
We can choose God.
Or the Godrobber.
God does not benefit from the worldly and parasitic faith that makes a name for itself by exploiting him.
It is the one exploiting God who benefits.
In our world there is not one God and many ‘faiths’.
There is one God and many exploitations and misrepresentations of him.
For any representation of God that does not come from him, is a misrepresentation.
It is God’s will that those who have tried – and continue to try - to make him known as they want him to be known, are now known themselves for their Godrobbing.
How swift and simple it was for God to eliminate all that will ever compete with him for custody over his Word and everyone who has ever offered themselves as an alternative source of information on him?
One word.
God speaks for himself.
Or the Godrobber misrepresents and exploits him.
There exists in our world the knowledge God has shared through his own direct Word and testimony.
And things he never asked to be shared.
Nor given his consent for them to be shared.
Nowhere has God ever asked anyone to spread their speculative and misrepresentative word on him throughout the world.
That is a liberty taken by those who harbour the worldly faith.
They stock up on the worldly treasures I listed earlier in this piece.
And they exploit God to do so.
So God asks the world that exploits and violates him one last time…
‘In whom do you trust?’
Or those who exploit me?’
Anyone who invites others into their explanations, opinions or definitions of God is only inviting others into their exploitation of God.
They are placing how God is known in their own hands.
And to do this, they must steal authority over how God wants to be known and understood from him.
This is the Truth.
Always was.
And always will be.
To know God through another source is to not know God.
And to honour that source is to honour one who has stolen from God that which can only ever belong to him.
Custody over all knowledge made known about him in our world.
God has delivered on his promise of Truth.
But those who made a name for themselves misrepresenting and exploiting him – and those who loved the Godrobbers who did this - did not honour their promise of faith.
And so it is.
The book, Contra Mundum: God Against the Word, pits God's direct Word and testimony against the voices of those who exploit and misrepresent him. His Holiness the Pope, those who embody the worldly faith on platforms such as Medium and the worlds of science and atheism are all placed on notice. We can know God through his testimony. It is the world's exploitation of God that keeps his voice hidden.
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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