I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
One Faith. One Trust. One Love.
What follows is a journey into the foundation of conditional expression.
The way of life that embodies and expresses – that is to say makes real – an unconditional love for God.
The fact that our world has many ‘faiths’ is not evidence of our faith and trust in God, or of our love for him.
It is evidence that our world does not seek to love God as he is, and that it does not trust in his Word alone.
It should also leave one in no doubt that we prefer to rule over God and to exploit, define and shape him, rather than acknowledge him as the only one with any right to educate the world about him, or mould our lives to suit him.
Our world does not know God through God. We 'know' God through the exploitation of him, by those who call themselves 'faithful'.
And yet, Truth about God does not enter our world through any source other than him.
Remember, Truth does not exist because our world validates or accepts the things God says directly about himself.
Truth exists because he said them.
How sacred is God to those who call themselves ‘faithful', but who embody a worldly faith?
Well, to begin with, they haven’t even left him space to define himself.
They have taken the reins over how God should be understood. They define him as they want to define him.
If God says something they don't like, they will reject it.
When it comes to God's Word it is those with a worldly faith who decide what is true and what isn't.
As a result, any knowledge God reveals about himself, through his own direct Word and testimony – such as the Truth Jesus promised – will always have to compete with every misrepresentative and exploitative word ever uttered about him.
And with every other definition of God that has been established by those with a worldly faith.
There should only ever be one definition of God in existence.
And it should be one he offers himself.
For that will be the only one that can ever be considered fixed, reliable and true.
But that is not how it is in our world.
Our world does not respect God. It exploits him.
Those who embody a worldly faith - which is not faith in God but faith in its own perspective on God - have made sure there exists in our world a multitude of definitions of God.
Which means there are a multitude of false gods.
None are God.
They are all alternatives and substitutes for the real thing.
As are those who spruik them.
Every definition of God that has not come directly from God is an alternative to his own Word.
It is an alternative to the Truth.
They compete with the Truth as he sees it and has revealed it. And they compete with God for custody over how he is known and understood in our world.
In our world, his Word and his Truth must fight with things he never consented to being said in the first place.
And these things have been said by those who masquerade as faithful.
What a world of many faiths proves is that we prefer to mould God to our liking, instead of moulding our lives to his.
And that we also prefer to wield authority over him, instead of serving him, while showcasing ourselves and our deceit before the eyes of the world, trafficking information about God that is shared against his will.
Of course, everything we hear about God that does not come directly from God, is shared against his will.
Anyone saying, ‘look at how I know God’, to the world, is not honouring God.
In fact, contemporary movements such as the one that describes itself as progressive Christianity, and the idea we can have faith in our own 'personal' idea of God, have seen our world’s mutilation of God taken to whole new levels.
Our world’s complete lack of respect for God’s Word, Body and Life, and of his right to sole custody over how he is known and understood by our world, has never been more evident – or more arrogant and intense in its application.
Somehow it became okay in our world for any old random to shape God into whatever they want him to be, or define him as they want to define him, and then educate the world on the false god they created.
God is mutilated and deformed by someone who does not know him as he knows himself, and who acts without the consent of God, to educate the world on their perverse take on him.
Then they have the hide to describe such a ‘faith’ – a faith which will never be considered ‘faith’ in God – as progressive.
In what is even more degrading to God, and more reflective of our world's insatiable appetite for exploiting God, people will sit at the feet of those who do this.
To sit at the feet of one who explains God as they want to explain him - not as he would explain himself - is the definitive act of adultery.
One cannot sit at the feet of God and at the feet of one who offers their take on God as a substitute to his own.
And any definition of God that does not come from God offers itself - and the Godrobber offering it - as a substitute to the Truth as he sees it.
Instead of remaining watchful for God's revelation of Truth, and respecting his right to define himself, those who do this 'have a crack' - I have seen these words used by those who place their opinions above God's Word - at taking his place.
The moment anyone says, 'this is who or what I think God is', God has lost control of the Truth. He is not made known as he knows himself, but as someone has chosen to make him known.
Someone has offered themselves and their own word on God as a substitute for God's own Word on himself.
In our world, this type of 'faith' thrives.
And amasses vast and various worldly treasures through its exploitation of God.
That said, perhaps ‘progressive’ is the right word.
That our world could ever be accepting of, let alone embrace, someone’s personally preferred misrepresentation of God – a misrepresentation devoid of both knowledge and consent from God – does speak to the progressive nature of our world’s mistreatment, exploitation and abuse of God.
As time has gone on, our abuse and exploitation of God and our lack of respect for him has grown exponentially, along with the worldly treasures those responsible for the abuse and exploitation are able to attract to themselves, under the guise of 'faith'.
Our world has never been further away from loving, trusting and honouring God and ‘progressive’ Christianity proves it.
At one end of the scale, we have the one true God – whom Jesus served – and who has sole right to custody and control over all knowledge that should ever be made known about him.
And in a world that loved, honoured, trusted and respected God, that custody would never be infringed upon or violated.
Also, at that end of the scale, when it comes to ‘faith’, is the faith and trust that belongs to, and resides in him alone.
In such a world, the ‘faithful’ would adapt their love for God, their understanding of God, and their lives, to only the things he says about himself.
At the other end of the scale is the idea that God can be whatever it is we want him to be – the personal notion of God – and movements such as progressive Christianity where God is re-imagined and re-designed, so he meets the expectations of those who are meant to be his humble, loyal and loving servants.
Those at this end of the scale will tell you ‘God’ needs to move with the times.
Our ‘world’ is God's rapist, but to the worldly faith, God needs to be re-imagined so that he appears to be a God who loves and supports the world that abuses him.
The idea is that God needs to be a ‘god’ they can love.
And this is more important than making sure they love God through their being; by living the way of life that proves they love God as he asked to be loved.
That way of life being conditional expression.
If loving, honouring and trusting God as he knows himself, and through only the things he says about himself is the ultimate expression of love and respect for God, then the idea we can pervert God into whatever monstrosity we desire, so we can have ‘faith’ in a ‘god’ that meets our standards, represents the ultimate in betrayal, exploitation and abuse.
This is the other end of the scale.
And this is where our world has arrived.
The one true God expects us to meet his expectations, hopes and needs through our being in order to show we love him.
But the worldly faith and the faith of progressive Christianity expect God to meet their misrepresentative definitions and explanations of him, so he is worthy of their love.
Any ‘faith’, movement or community that permits, accepts or embraces any definition of God – let alone believe one - that has not been sourced in his own direct Word and testimony, is the antithesis of a faith, trust and love that belongs to and resides in God alone.
Interestingly, when I wrote the word antithesis, I was drawn to look up the word, antichrist.
The latter refers to a person or people prophesied to oppose Christ and substitute themselves for Christ before the time of the second coming.
Given that God and Jesus instructed us to remain watchful for the Truth that would come from God - a Truth which would manifest as the return of God’s direct Word and testimony - anyone offering an alternative ‘truth’, be they individual or group in nature, should be considered an antichrist.
What they do stands in opposition to God’s own Word on himself.
And not only rejects Jesus’ call to watchfulness, but it invites and encourages others to surrender it so they can look in their direction.
They make themselves an alternative, or substitute, for the Truth God and Jesus promised.
We can always be clear on what is an unequivocal Truth.
If God is not saying something directly about himself, then whatever is being said comes from one substituting themselves for God.
It is an alternative.
Someone is trying to replace the Word of God with their misrepresentative, exploitative and non-consensual word on God.
In doing this they act in opposition to God’s will and God’s Word.
The definitive act of an antichrist.
Remember, God’s first and most essential law is that we should honour no other God but him.
If we believe, trust, support or embrace any information about God that has not come from him, we have believed, trusted, supported and embraced an alternative to God.
And yet, every personal reconstruction of God and every definition of God that has been offered by anyone – no matter how humble, loyal or ‘progressive’ they make themselves out to be – represents the creating, honouring and worship of a false god.
No misrepresentations of God honour God.
How can they?
They are founded on speculation which means assumptions have been made. And when assumptions are made about God, they run a high risk of being wrong.
Even more so given that Jesus, when he promised a Truth from God would arrive, also promised that at this time the world would see it was wrong.
Every misrepresentation of God honours the person misrepresenting and exploiting God.
And the non-consensual and self-serving assumptions they have made about him.
Every misrepresentation of God that is offered to the world is offered with neither God’s blessing nor consent.
I might add that 'the world' those who exploit God are trying to impress, is the same world we were called to reject if we truly loved God.
Yes, we can consider the ‘personal god’, and any movement that decrees we can define God in whatever way we want, as the apex of our world’s rejection, abuse and exploitation of God.
Right now, our world is as Godless as it could ever be.
For any definition, explanation or assumption on God that does not come from God, is Godless.
And yet, even though our world has never been more distant from loving God as he wants, needs and asks to be loved, there is a very specific and clearly defined ‘faith’ with a singular and clearly defined motivation, that will never cease to exist.
It came into existence the first moment God ever chose to speak.
And it will exist as long as Life exists.
And then beyond.
While ever Life exists and while ever God continues to speak for himself, revealing the Truth as he sees it and as he wants to reveal it, this ‘faith’ will be available to all.
But this faith does not rest in an idea.
Nor exploit God while hiding behind one.
Without the embodiment and expression born in action, this 'faith' - which is founded upon an unconditional love for God alone - does not exist.
This 'faith' does not rest in an idea or an assumption.
It exists only in our being.
Unless this 'faith' is made real through our being, then we do not have this 'faith'.
This faith does not trust, support or accept anyone’s personal take on God.
This faith – the faith that is embodied and expressed through conditional expression – is founded on just two things.
The ‘being’ of that which God asked us to be.
And a ‘trust’ that resides only in God, and the things God has to say directly about himself.
If God is not saying it, then this faith will not trust it. Let alone support or invest in it.
It is the ‘faith’ that is founded upon a trust in God.
In this way, an unconditional love for God – the love that puts no limits, restrictions, conditions or expectations on God, and makes no presumptions about him – is embodied and expressed through our being.
Our love is expressed through action – action founded only upon the things God has spoken himself.
After all, how can one claim to love God, but not strive to make that love real, through their being.
God gave us laws for how to live.
And he asked us to keep Life sacred.
He asked us to be the bread of Life.
And he showed us how.
God’s laws of love and consent do not change because the world chooses to violate, desecrate and mutilate the Life he asked us to nourish through our existence and being.
Someone who has reconstructed God in ways that suit them might tell you the world’s understanding of ‘God’ must move with the times, but God would say our understanding of him must remain within the boundaries of those things he says about himself.
That is to say how we understand God should shift only with the things he reveals about himself.
Not the misrepresentations of someone who has so little respect for God that they would mould him to their liking and then invite the world to admire their self-serving prostitution of him.
Those who do this are little more than pimps.
And the sacred victim whom they traffic, is God.
They dress him up as they like, and then offer their fetishization of him up for the adoration and praise of the world.
The faith of conditional expression is founded in God alone; in the things he says directly about himself and in being who he asked and showed us, to be.
The ‘faith’ of conditional expression is not complex, because a genuine faith and trust in God is not complex to understand.
Our faith and trust is in God.
Or another source.
And one who trusts God alone rejects all other sources of information on him.
God’s Word is fixed, reliable and true. It will not mislead.
No other source of information on God carries these qualities.
When another speaks of God the quality of what is being said is self-serving, misrepresentative and exploitative.
When someone offers an assumption about God - no matter who is offering - they exist in opposition to God.
And they exist in opposition to the Truth Jesus promised would come.
Which means they act in opposition to 'Christ'.
Those who do this are very likely to make declarations of love for Jesus, and to flaunt themselves as 'faithful.'
But do not be fooled. This is why the worldly faith is the 'faith' that is the wolf in sheep's clothing.
It appears as something noble, righteous and loyal.
But in Truth it is something far more sinister.
In Truth, this 'faith' is not in God at all.
It is in itself.
Why would anyone wanting to know and love God as he is, and through only the things he has to say about himself, ever look to another.
By God's law, that is an act of adultery.
To embrace one who has offered themselves as an alternative to God, is to 'bed' a substitute for God.
The single most important motivation in conditional expression is to know, trust, love and honour God as God knows himself.
The faith of conditional expression lies in God alone, and in his Word on himself.
The trust of conditional expression lies only in things God says about himself.
And the love of conditional expression is a love for God that seeks to love God only as he has asked to be loved.
Not as we might want to ‘love’ him.
One who carries love in their heart for God is not asking, ‘does God love me?’
This is not their concern.
They ask a different question.
Which is of themselves – and not God.
They ask, ‘Am I loving God as he asked to be loved - am I being the things he asked me to be?’
You see, if faith, trust and love is in and for God, it must be in God as he knows himself to be.
How weak and impotent is a ‘god’ who submits, and then adapts, to the desires of those who are meant to be ‘faithful’ and loyal to them?
How weak, impotent and treacherous is the ‘faith’ that attempts to limit God to a misleading and misrepresentative speculation of its own design, and then educate the world on that?
And how weak and impotent is the ‘faith’ that seeks to understand God through the words of one who is misrepresenting and exploiting him.
Jesus speaking was God speaking.
A Godrobber speaking is the Godrobber speaking.
Jesus was clear.
He would never use God to honour himself.
He was not offering his personal opinions, definitions and explanations about God, he was offering God’s understanding of himself.
He would never disrespect God by making assumptions about him and then trafficking those assumptions to the world.
He was so against this behaviour, and knew it to be so misleading and treacherous, that he told those who trusted him to watch for the Truth that would come from God.
In this way he asked his followers to avoid any alternative sources who might attempt to substitute God’s understanding of himself and the Truth as he sees it with their own.
Anyone who offers any alternative to the Truth as God sees it is an enemy of God, and offers an alternative to the Truth Jesus asked us to watch for.
And anyone trusting such an alternative has rejected God and Jesus, along with their call to watchfulness.
Offering our own ideas about God in an attempt to influence how the world might understand God is the antithesis of everything Jesus and God asked us to be.
Behaviour does not get more 'anti-God.'
Or more 'pro-me and my unsolicited assumptions about God'.
Every speculative word about God that is published in our world is an attempt to wrestle the Truth away from him. To sway the world's understanding of God away from the Truth as God knows it, towards a misrepresentation of our own.
Those who do this invite the world not to know God through God and the things he says about himself - but through them and their assumptions about him.
Only those with a self-serving worldly faith would do such a thing.
You cannot trust God and one who seeks to replace him with themselves.
Ours is the world of a billion gods.
And no world of a billion gods can claim it loved, honoured and trusted the one true God who said, ‘I Am Who I Am!’
Turn the one true God into anything he isn’t, and we have created a false God.
Publish or promote this perversion of God and we have formally established ourselves as his opposition.
Any ‘faith’ that defines God to suit itself is no faith in God.
At least not in God’s eyes.
How could it be?
It’s not in God.
It is in the misrepresentation and prostitution of God.
It is something he did not say.
Trusting God – and no other – requires one to trust Jesus.
And trusting Jesus required one to remain watchful for the Truth that would come from God.
And watching for the Truth that will come from God requires the rejection of any definition, explanation or reconstruction of God not sourced in his own direct Word and testimony.
Trusting in God requires the rejection of anything and everything that does not come from him.
Including every word that escapes the mouth of a progressive Christian who believes it is okay to tailor God to their own liking and then educate the world on their prostitution of God.
If anyone genuinely trusted God and his promise to reveal the Truth about himself, then why would they ever create or embrace an alternative to whatever it is he might have to say.
Or seek to lead the world to a belief in anything else before that moment of revelation comes.
It is God who should have full custody over the content, timing and method of his revelation of Truth.
And those who love and trust God – and Jesus for that matter, for trust in one requires trust in both - would not dare interfere with, or stand in opposition to, God’s plan.
Jesus told the world how to support God’s plan.
And he could not have made it simpler to understand.
We were to watch for the Truth that would come from God.
Not create our own.
Or trust and embrace those who did.
‘Faith’ is a word that has lost its gloss.
To God it means nothing.
It has been rendered meaningless to God because ‘faith’ has been used to limit and imprison him.
It is under the guise of ‘faith’ people have offered themselves to the world as authorities – each one an alternative and substitute to God – on God.
It is ‘faith’ that has made God its puppet.
And ‘faith’ that has attempted to rule over God, by forcing him to submit to the world.
But God does not submit to his great and historical abuser so easily.
He has ditched the word ‘faith’ and replaced it with trust.
He asks, ‘In whom do you trust?’
Or another source?
He has also made a couple of other changes to restore custody over his Word and how he is understood by our world, to him.
If God has said it directly, it is to be known as Truth – with a capital ‘T’.
The capital ‘T’ signifies that what we are hearing comes directly from God – and not from a source misrepresenting and exploiting him.
He also attaches the label of Godrobber to anyone who speculates about him or misrepresents him.
That’s right, anyone attempting to fleece God of custody and control over all knowledge made known about him to the world, is a Godrobber.
All information about God in our world either comes from God, or a Godrobber.
One who truly loves God and respects his right to reveal the things he wants to reveal about himself, and when and how he reveals them, will only seek to know God as he knows himself.
Not as someone who is exploiting him hopes or wants him to be.
God warned us about this through Jesus. He asked us to watch for something that would set itself apart from the things our world had come to believe about God.
He wanted us to watch for the Truth.
As God and Jesus knew it to be.
God is clear.
Our trust lies in one of two sources.
Or someone else.
We can pervert God in whatever way we wish but what we create will always be a perversion of God.
And the creation of a false one.
Only a world as abusive and exploitative as ours would ever consider any misrepresentation or fetishization of God, faith.
But Truth does not matter in our world.
What matters is believing what we want to believe.
But Truth matters to God – more than anything.
Loving and trusting God can only be sourced in the knowledge he reveals about himself. And through us adapting our love for him, and our lives, to that.
God should be understood only through the things he has to say about himself. God knows himself as he is, so he is the only source that will not mislead or speak falsely about him.
No one ever needed to ‘know’, ‘understand’ or ‘define’ God to love God through their being.
He gave us his 'Laws of Love and Consent.'
And he interpreted them – and how they were to be expressed – himself, through the life of Jesus.
And then through Jesus, he asked us to remain watchful for his Truth.
Not one to our liking.
Not one created by someone fleecing God of custody over how he might be understood.
But his.
Any alternative to that Truth is his enemy.
Along with those who offer them – the Godrobbers and goats – and those who sit at their feet.
Faith and trust in God, and love for God, can only be established when they are in, and for, God.
The ‘being and trust’ that lies at the heart of conditional expression is available to us all.
It came into existence the exact moment God chose to represent and speak for himself.
And it will last until the end of time.
When God first spoke, he automatically assumed full custody over all things that would ever be made known about him.
No one else had the right to speculate about him, as if he was voiceless.
To rob God of control over how he is understood is the ultimate theft.
And to trust those who have done this is the ultimate act of adultery.
He told us everything we needed to know to love, honour and trust him, as he needed to be loved, honoured and trusted.
He did not leave anything out, when it came to trusting him.
The ‘faith’ that is conditional expression pre-dates the exploitation of God that is religion.
And it will outlast it.
It is the one faith.
The one trust.
And the one love.
This is true because in the heart of one who lives with conditional expression, all these things – the faith, trust and love – belong to, reside in, and are dedicated to, God.
Let history show that while the world was reducing God to our limited and self-serving misrepresentations of him, and exploitative assumptions about him, the Truth God asked us to watch for, arrived.
But the ‘faithful’ missed it because they did not have ‘faith’.
They did not have trust.
And they did not seek to know and love God as he knew himself to be.
Nor as he wanted to reveal himself.
They wanted a ‘god’ they could love.
So when God was telling the world, ‘Here I Am, as I Am’, they were standing on his broken and exploited shoulders asking the world to look at them.
That’s the ‘faith’ of the Godrobbers and their followers for you.
The one moment in history that God needed our faith, trust and love more than any other, our world was embracing a brand of ‘faith’ that was not faith at all – but rather, a red-light district of misrepresentation, exploitation and abuse.
And many turned to those who were exploiting God.
Those whom God now labels Godrobbers.
And the most tragic part of the world’s great betrayal and exploitation of God by the worldly faith, is this;
God is the Life we belong to.
And we are the ‘cells’ of his Body.
That is his Word.
And his testimony.
We can now know God by another name.
That name is Life.
When our world’s abuse of Life was reaching its climax, God claimed that Life as his own.
And when he did, the goats and Godrobbers who called themselves ‘faithful’ were flooding the world with non-consensual, misrepresentative and exploitative ‘truths’ of their own.
When God said, ‘Know me through my own Word’, they were saying, ‘know him through mine.’
God asks us all, ‘In whom do you trust?
Or someone who violates me and robs me of custody over how I might be known and understood by the world that rapes me?’
To God, there is only one faith.
One trust.
And one love.
The faith that lies in him.
The trust that lies in him.
And the love of conditional expression.
That’s the love that is expressed through one’s being.
As God said, with the words that launched his contemporary revelation.
‘Be and Trust.
Be and Trust.
Be and Trust.
Be what I have asked you to be.
And trust in my Word alone.’
That is all he ever asked from us. From the moment he first spoke.
Two things.
Our being.
And our trust.
But our world has never journeyed further away from trusting and loving God as he asked to be trusted and loved.
And it did this at the time he needed our love and trust the most.
And how he has suffered because of our lack of trust.
And our lack of love.
Those who make assumptions about God do not practice faith and trust in God.
They practice misrepresentation and abuse.
Through their being they do not love, trust and honour God.
They exploit him.
There is no freedom and no victory for God, nor does he have custody over his own Word and how he is understood by our world, while he is imprisoned by the chains placed upon him by those who might call themselves ‘faithful’, but who really seek to take his place.
Anyone who ever speculated or made assumptions about God has embedded themselves into history as a Godrobber.
They competed with God by offering their personal assumptions about him as an alternative to the Truth he was always going to share about himself.
And those doing this today, did this at the same time God offered the Truth he always promised would come.
And anyone who failed to practice the watchfulness Jesus and God asked for, as also embedded themselves into history as one who never did trust Jesus.
They either offered themselves as an alternative ‘truth’ to the one God was going to reveal, or sat at the feet of one who did.
God has delivered on every promise he ever made.
It was those with a worldly faith – the Godrobbers and their followers – who never delivered on their faith.
They preferred the spoils that came with exploiting God, over trusting in his Word.
And when his Word came, they were busy reducing God to an all-you-can-eat-buffet of exploitation and abuse.
A genuine trust in God resides only in the things which come directly from him. Trust in God can belong to no other.
It is impossible to trust God and someone trafficking their unsolicited assumptions about him.
It is underneath this banner of Truth – the one that comes from God alone – that one living with conditional expression seeks refuge.
There can be no act more sinister or arrogant, or more exploitative and disrespectful of God than one who invites the world to ‘know’ God as they want him to be known – without knowing him, without hearing from him and without his explicit consent.
If God has not said something about himself directly, it should never have been said.
And if it has been said by any other source, then one who trusts God alone would not trust it.
One who loves and respects God wants only to know, honour and love God as he knows and reveals himself through his own word.
God is either speaking for himself.
Or someone is trying to substitute their understanding of God for God’s understanding of himself.
And when someone reveals their personal understanding of God, they compete with God
Our faith lies in whom we trust.
To God, there can be only one faith.
One trust.
And one love.
And this is in him.
And so it is.
The book, Conditional Expression - Making Life Sacred , was published to my website in 2018. As a concept and practice, conditional expression has been either ignored or rejected. And yet all it points out is that we should honour God through our being, and trust in his direct Word and testimony alone. How can we claim to have faith in God on one hand and dismiss his own Word and testimony on the other? Think about the suffering Life has experienced since 2018. Now understand that abused and exploited Life belongs to God. That same Life God asked us to keep sacred by living a life of - yes, that's right - conditional expression. God has not been kept sacred by our world. Our world was more interested in exploiting him. And now we know our world got it wrong. And while our world was misrepresenting and exploiting his Word, it was also desecrating his Body and Life.
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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