I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
If Jesus were here today, and gave a Christmas address, he would include in that discourse one compelling statement.
A statement of four words, which would sum up everything we are witnessing in the world today.
He would say,‘I told you so!’
It is ironic people rant and rave about the ‘science’ that supports how messed up our world is today, and refuse to believe in the people who told us these things would happen if we failed to put conditions on our individual expression and demands from the beginning.
That if we worshipped a definition of freedom that meant we could do, have and be whatever we wanted over a notion of freedom that holds we are actually free not to abuse our world by leading an individually-centred life, it would not end well.
Our world is on its knees because we needed to see its suffering and then have it confirmed by science.
And even now, we haven’t really adjusted our behaviour in terms of our relationship with all life.
How could a collective world ever feel well, when the people who made up that world viewed abundance from an individual perspective?
How could there ever be balance, harmony and peace in such a world?
Here’s the difference between faith and science. Which very much equates to the difference between conditional expression and science.
Science provides evidence our world is sick and suggests we do things differently.
Conditional expression never wants our world to be sick in the first place. It only ever wants life to feel balanced and harmonious. It states that one should put conditions on their expression and demands because that is how you keep life well. It’s how you honour our world as sacred.
Conditional expression – a faith and love-based way of life – is not reactive. Nor does it act out of necessity, as in, ‘our world just collapsed so we need to change.’
In Adam and Eve’s position, a person living with conditional expression says, ‘no’.
They don’t take the apple because they can. They say no because they know where it leads.
And they know, in a world of balance, the overindulgence of one means lack for others and trauma for the resource charged with sustaining life.
It does not matter what carrot – or apple - is dangled in front of a person whose foundation is an unconditional love for life itself. Even those of wealth, fame and influence –the same carrots offered to Jesus in the desert – will be rejected and crushed.
We live in a world where people who live excessively flaunt their excessive and over-indulgent lifestyles believing them to be the benchmark of abundance and success.
But a person living the way of conditional expression feels no envy for such a life whatsoever. Rather, nothing but lightness and liberation.
Why envy the life that is destroying the health of life. Why envy the life that is cancer to our world.
But, also, why judge such a life.
Why judge someone who has already judged themselves by being who they are. Our world is sick for a reason. And when you understand the existence of God and how life works, the reasons are not difficult to see.
That’s the law of revelation.
We all show who we are.
Just as Jesus did.
Now, understand that Jesus was not a religious figure. Nor was he political. He could come across this way, but only because he said these things have no power, and in doing so threatened them. He believed nothing had any power over his freedom – and responsibility– to support life through his being.
Neither was he Christian or Catholic.
He taught, and lived, a particular way of life.
Which was a life of conditional expression.
It is the living that is important. Not the teaching. Not the preaching. And not the declarations of faith and belief.
We could have a thousand Jesus’ living here on earth and it would not make any difference to life.
Life does not benefit from one believing in Jesus or having faith in him. It only benefits when people live like him.
Life experiences who you are. Not what you preach and believe in.
He himself said there would come a day when it would be clear people did not actually believe in him. Because, to use the scientific approach we rely so heavily on, to him faith and belief needed to be actioned to exist.
Jesus did not categorise human beings into good and bad, and right and wrong. He told the world of what is harmful to life and what is nourishing to life.
Remember, his foundation was not individual. He was dedicated purely to keeping all life sacred. Honouring God – or life – was his singular motivation. He taught things that were good for life. He knew he belonged to something greater and it was the health of that life that was the foundation for all he did.
He didn’t teach, ‘be good’.
He taught,‘keep life healthy!’
So, when he says, ‘I told you so!’, apart from the fact the world would one day show that it didn’t actually believe in him, and that the world would become as messed upas it is today, what else did he say, that we now know as true.
I should point out that God did not send Jesus for us in the first instance. He sent him for himself. He sent Jesus to tell the world how to keep life healthy. Not how to live a life where all one’s individual dreams and desires could be fulfilled or how to achieve great wealth, fame and influence.
That’s what personal development teaches.
That’s what led our world to the catastrophe it is facing today.
Jesus taught us to reject such teachers and teachings.
But my, how we lapped them up. And my, how they threw themselves at us.
So, here’s a brief list of truths Jesus delivered, that were not taken on faith and now will be proven to be true.
Because that’s what the philosophy of conditional expression does. It provides the proof – at a scientific level – that the things he taught were actually true.
Jesus also promised this would happen. That one day, people would see who they really were and it would be made known just how damaging people had been to life.
So here we go…
1. you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be insecret. (Matthew 6: 3-4)
Here, he’s saying don’t be boastful. Not because it’s bad. Remember, he didn’t teach good or bad. He taught how to care for life. Boastfulness is an ugly energetic expression. When anyone boasts it makes our world energetically ill. An act can be beautiful and caring but once the person who did the act shares it with the world, it is corrupted. The energetic purity and expanse of the action is shattered, and life is sickened.
Our world says what you become is important. Life – or God – says what you are is important.
The concept of the personal brand and our desperate need to validate how amazing we are is murdering the life we belong to. It’s cancer.
This doesn’t help someone market themselves, but life doesn’t care. It doesn’t value economics over itself.
Nor does it permit boastfulness because it is supportive of your personal brand. It simply experiences it’s energetic quality – which is trash – and suffers because of it.
Fact – if anyone is being boastful or promoting themselves our world will suffer. Being comfortable with anonymity is one of the greatest gifts a human being can give themselves, and life.
The more a human being earns praise and adoration due to self-promotion and boastfulness, the smaller and less pure their energetic capacity and contribution. It is true, what you gain in this world, you lose in the next.
2. Nothing that enters a man from the outside can defile him; but the things that come out of a man, these are what defile him.(Mark 7-15)
When someone calls us a name or makes an ugly remark about another, we are hurt and offended. But the comment has not touched us. How can it? It was given life somewhere else. And therefore the energetic ugliness of that comment, which is very real, belongs in the other person.
They have ‘defiled’ themselves, and because we all belong to the same life, they have defiled that life as well.
It is experienced. But it is not ours.
Your expression, therefore, has nothing to do with anyone else. You can ridicule and mock Donald Trump, if you like, or the most awful human being imaginable to you, and all you have done is injure life and yourself.
Life doesn’t experience you from any other perspective than your own. When you speak ill of another it only feels that.
This is how the self-righteous have been murdering life. They see someone as inadequate and feel they have the right to criticise and sit in judgment of them, and all they are doing is making themselves look ugly and bringing their ugliness into the world.
It is the way of conditional expression not to extend too much concern to how the world happens to you, but rather, be far more concerned with how you happen to the world.
There is great irony that the people who sit in judgement of those they deem lesser are actually the one’s making our world feel sick and unwell.
Why do you think Jesus didn’t hate on the people who bashed and abused him, despite doing nothing wrong?
It wasn’t that he was forgiving, it was that he wouldn’t bring ugliness into the world. He knew the others were ‘defiling’ themselves, and he would not do this to himself, nor would he inflict it on the body he belongs to.
Yes, things can hurt us physically and emotionally. But we are energetic beings first and foremost. And it is our energetic imprint that will define us when we die, and this body we have become so obsessed with, is long gone.
I was intending to share a few other truths, but already I have gone on longer than expected.
So I will leave it there.
Today, our world focuses on and celebrates the birth and life of Jesus.
So why not better understand the person we are celebrating. Not only through what he taught, but by who he was.
What was this way he showed us?
It was the way to care for and honour life as sacred.
He did not say ‘listen’ to me. Nor did he encourage us to ‘say what I say.’
He said, ‘If you want to honour all life and God as sacred, be what I am. It’s the only way’
And that way is conditional expression.
So on a day where we celebrate the life of Jesus, we can also celebrate the birth of that way, as the way which guides humanity from this moment forth.
To sum up his life and teachings in one sentence he would say, ‘the only way you can honour life and provide what it needs is by putting conditions on your expression and demands.’
And he might add that by doing so, you liberate yourself from the envy and cravings that come with desiring and lusting after the life that is abusive to life in the first place.
Living with conditional expression is living life as Jesus would. It is making love for God and all life real.
Not by obsessing about yourself. But by caring for the world.
It is to tread lightly.
And as such, does bring us to one final, “I told you so’ moment, for Jesus.
‘The meek will inherit the earth!’
There is no longer any place in a sick and violated world for any approach that is not gentle and caring.
When one you love is sick, how do you treat them?
That’s what life needs from us now.
Happy birthday Big Boy!
And welcome to our world conditional expression!
Thank God you’re here!
Actually, we should thank God. It’s his message and instruction. The same one Jesus gave, but this time backed by evidence.
How beautiful the irony.
The way to restore health to the life we belong to is to give up our need for wealth, fame and influence and any desire we might have for excessive lives and lifestyles.
No one has to follow the way of conditional expression. But by not doing so, you will make life suffer. You will cause it pain.
None of this is from a place of judgment. Nor does it speak of right and wrong. It speaks from a place of fact.
Our world is sick for a reason.
And that’s because we speak of unconditional love – but do not make it real through our conditional expression.
And so it is.
The concepts you have read here are sourced in the conditional expression concept of 'turning out', which, in turn, has its source in the official revelation of God. To read more click here.
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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