I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
‘The greatest problem for humanity’, my friend spoke, ‘is that we have free will and no instruction!’
In saying that, and with all due respect, she is right about one thing.
And very wrong about another.
Yes, we do have free will.
But it is also true that we have had instruction.
And it has been clear and adequate instruction on how we should approach life since the beginning of time.
That is if our most coveted interest and desire was to preserve the health of the life we belong to, by tending to its needs, rather than making our lives about the individual pursuit of fame, wealth and influence.
Firstly, we most certainly have free will.
In fact, were a gun put to our head in a bid to force us todo something horrible, then still, we have the free will to choose not to do it.
Extreme, I know, but true, nonetheless.
So, it is through our own free will that we choose whether or not we are abusive to life, or whether we will live a life that is both kind and gentle to it.
It is our free will that allows each of us to choose between two, when it comes to the greatest motivation for our expression.
We can bow to our individual dreams, wants and desires.
Or bow to the needs of life itself.
Of the earth.
And of every human being who walks upon it.
Before I go on, I will point out two things.
Firstly, that worlds do not become as sick as ours as a result of a collective commitment to the latter.
And secondly, there are two truths to every action.
If one values and accumulates excess for themselves, then they are complicit in, and contributing to, the lack for another. Or others - as must be the case in a world of balance – and in any trauma our earth faces in its quest to care for everyone and to feel some kind of peace as it does so.
This brings us to instruction.
Of this there is no shortage.
Did the story of Adam and Eve not warn us of the inevitable result, should we use our free will to be abusive to life, just because we could.
And then we have the instruction of the ten commandments.
And the laws of other spiritual paths, including yoga.
Did they not give us instructions on how to care for our world?
It is important to note these instructions were not, in their most essential purpose, about guiding us to being good people.
They were about preserving the dignity and integrity of life.
They were guidelines on how to keep life sacred, and to provide it with the peace and balance it hopes to experience.
‘Honour no other God but me’, simply meant, ‘prioritise nothing over my health, the health of all life.’
So, we had very clear instruction from life itself, on what it would take to preserve it, and keep it healthy.
But these instructions did not appeal to a world which preferred, in the first instance and wholeheartedly pursued in the second, the former of the two options described above – the fulfilment of individual dreams, wants and desires.
Every time we think, speak and act we are faced with two questions.
Am I doing what I want?
Or what life needs.
Yes, I have heard the now cliched calling card, ‘Serve the world and live the life of your dreams!’
But if the life of your dreams includes excessive living, self-promotion and boastfulness, the theft of intellectual property, claiming authority for ideas that do not belong to you, messing with the psychology of others, needing to be seen as influential, impactful and inspiring or creating in others the idea that they are in need of healing then you are not serving the world.
From its perspective – or from God’s if you prefer – you are being abusive to life on three levels.
Physically, energetically and psychologically.
I assure you there is no universe crossing its fingers, willing you to fulfil all of your individual dreams and desires while it remains blinded by the tears it cries for the millions who die of hunger each year - and the traumatised earth - that must be the cost of our greed.
There are many high-flyers who speak boldly about what should and should not happen in our world today, and attack those who make an errant step or remark.
And yet it is their abuse and exploitation of life that has been the most significant contributor in its collapse.
No doubt many of them would not put up for sale the dignity and integrity of their own children, for economic or personal gain.
And yet, have willingly chosen economic and personal profit over preserving the sanctity of life, and meeting its needs.
Along with flaunting this abuse as legacy, greatness and success.
Nothing you are reading here, I might add, is about right and wrong.
Nor is it to do with good or bad.
It is to do with a singular truth.
Which is that to life, everything we think, say and do will be felt by it. And that experience will be either life-giving or harmful.
And how it experiences our expression and demands will have nothing to do with how we might portray or perceive them.
For example, life does not experience the excessive life and lifestyle of one, as abundance. It experiences it as abusive and cruel.
It doesn’t understand – nor would it bow to if it did –concepts such as wealth, business, celebrity status and economics.
But it does understand the abuse and trauma our pursuit and worship of these things has inflicted on it.
Promoting your personal brand? Great.
But boastfulness and self-promotion make our world sick.
Life knows not of the personal brand and remains appalled that even a singular human being has been reduced to a marketplace. To life – or God if you prefer - the inception of the personal brand completed the selling of the human soul.
And, with this taking the energetic health of life to an all-time low, it collapsed.
And now we talk of vaccines and resets.
As if life wanted to breakdown and collapse as it did.
I ask you; would you prefer to recover from a stroke, heart attack or psychological breakdown?
Or prevent it?
Life was no different.
And what of contemporary instruction.
Even in his greatest hour of need God reached out. Life shared what it needed from us, to avoid the calamity that was drawing near.
‘I need your conditional expression now. If I am to feel well, you must put conditions on your expression and demands so that who you are supports my health – rather than decimates it.’
The one voice that was not acknowledged as our world collapsed was that of God, of life itself.
I have heard people describe what I have tried to share as 'your message.’
I offer no such message.
I have, largely, listened.
If I have shared it, it is because God or life wanted it to be shared. Not like instructions of the past, which could be flicked aside as spiritual or religious. Or become trash in the hands of those seeking wealth and power through their possession.
But as something that must be followed if life is to find any semblance of peace and balance.
You tell me!
Is it life’s desire for us that we pursue our individual dreams and desires, no matter how wild and excessive they be?
Or that we honour her sacredness by putting conditions on our expressions and demands so that who we are is supportive of her quest for peace and balance?
It is the law of revelation that we cannot hide who we are from life.
To life, we are all who we really are.
Now, back to free will.
I will finish with a brief examination of a life that showed us as much as any other the true depth of our capacity for free will.
That of Jesus.
I will make it clear here; I will never refer to Jesus, God or life from a religious perspective.
Jesus did not teach religion. He taught care for our world. He taught, and lived by example, how to keep life sacred.
Neither is God a religious figure. But something very real and tangible with very specific needs.
Jesus taught of the freedom available to us and actioned when living a life of conditional expression.
That is the freedom we have not to be abusive to life.
That’s why he lived.
His life had one purpose, and one purpose alone.
To show us that in our human form we are all capable of keeping life sacred by saying no to the things that would be abusive to it.
Just as we were free to reject his way of life by saying ‘yes’ to the things which are abusive to it.
That’s what he meant when he described his way of life as, the way.
‘If honouring life is your greatest priority, then live as I did!’
You will hear capitalism blamed for our world’s struggles.How so? It’s just a thing. It did not put a gun to our heads and demand we abuse our world for economic gain.
That was our free will.
That was our choice.
We could have a thousand Jesus’ living today and it would not have made one difference.
That’s not why he lived. Nor was it ever going to be his individual presence that would make the difference.
The way he would become our saviour, was by our world collectively choosing to live like him. To adopt the way of conditional expression.
To be people who care for life’s needs before our own wants and desires through the things we do – not just in the things we say.
To unconditionally love our world through our actions.
Life does not get words.
It was the human life of Jesus that showed us it could be done. And his life that showed us doing it was never going to be easy.
He also lived to demonstrate to us that the teaching of spiritual concepts was separate – and inadequate to – the living of them.
This is why our world collapsed at the height of yoga’s popularity. It has never been bigger – nor a greater player in industry – and at the same time, our world tumbled.
Nor would you ever see Jesus lecturing the world on how to live from the balconies of the Vatican.
He knows it is worlds such as it that mean others must go without.
It is quite telling that that he prophesised there would come a day when it would be clear that the world had neither faith nor belief in him.
Or God.
Faith, to God and Jesus, can only be demonstrated by our following of the instructions that have been given to us throughout history.
And not just because our world has collapsed.
But because we never wanted it to collapse in the first place.
Faith and belief to Jesus could only be actioned, and then, only by following his teachings and way.
Thomas was said to have acknowledged a resurrected Jesus because he saw his wounds.
Just like some of us are beginning to care and change ourways because we have seen the wounds our way has inflicted on life.
That what sets conditional expression – God’s contemporary commandment, instruction and word - apart from any other way of life available to us.
It is neither wantful nor reactive.
It strives to honour the physical, emotional and energetic needs of life because the health of life is its greatest priority.
And does this with faith and trust that whatever comes of living such a life must be as it is.
That’s what supporting the will of God demands.
There is only one way we can express lives that honour the will of God, and the wishes of life.
That is to follow their instructions.
When we operate outside these guidelines, life suffers. Again, this is not about right or wrong. It’s just a fact of life.
And in doing so we again bring into focus the concept of two truths.
When we abuse life because we prioritise our individual dreams and desires over its needs, our actions speak loud and clear.
‘It’s not your will, God and life, that will be done. It is mine!’
And so, life has suffered to the point of collapse.
Interestingly, Jesus also prophesised that the things that caused great trauma to our world would be ripped out at the roots.
That remains to be seen.
But at least we know exactly what they are. And who’s doing them.
And, of equal importance, no one gets to judge another.
We have all judged ourselves by being who we are.
Whatever we thought we each were to life, carries no weight in life’s eyes.
It can only experience what we have offered it or inflicted upon it.
We cannot take the pandemic back.
Our abuse was more than our world could bear.
Because we used our free will to ignore the instructions God and life have given us, which we had to follow to keep life healthy, to pursue individual wealth, fame and influence.
The three things the devil used to tempt Jesus in the desert.
With many – think Christianity and Yoga - using these instructions and God’s sacred name as the fuel and driving force in their pursuit of them.
We wanted individual legacy and success and inflicted on our world a legacy of exploitation and abuse.
That is what is true.
Excess, boastfulness and judgement.
Three of life’s great cancers.
And all excessive in our world.
Will we turn collectively to the way of conditional expression? As requested by God and taught and lived by Jesus?
Will we live lives that honour life as sacred?
Time will tell.
But we know what abuses life. And who abuses it.
And whatever we choose, life must, whether willing or unwilling, experience that choice.
Sacred or for sale?
Temple or marketplace.
Only our actions – not our words – will demonstrate what life is to each of us.
The beauty and true liberation of our individual lives?
Who we are to life and the way we live, can never be dictated to or influenced by others, unless we permit it ourselves?
And we can never fool life as to what our true impact is.
It will experience each of us.
As we really are.
And so it is.
For the full Conditional Expression Philosophy, the contemporary Word of God click here
For the Chapter on 'Turning Out' ( Part 6) click here
For 'Mindfulness in Conditional Expression (Part 8) click here
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I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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