I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
God’s Revelation in a Nutshell
Jesus said God would reveal his true nature to the world through an advocate.
A helper.
And he did!
It really is that simple.
Not that simple, and that complex.
Just that simple.
We were told not to view any human achievement or any worldly treasure we could accrue for ourselves as special.
What we were meant to value as special was caring for the life we belong to.
What was meant to be special was putting the welfare of life before anything we could extract from that life for ourselves.
Now, as it turns out, that life we were meant to keep sacred was always God’s.
God – or Life – since the beginning of time has always been trying to protect himself from an abusive world.
God’s instructions and the example set by Jesus could not have been more simple, clear or easy to understand.
Seriously, how hard was it to wrap our heads around God’s instructions?
He kept them so simple even a child could understand them.
And that’s the idea behind good communication.
If you’re explaining to someone how to care for something sacred, you don’t speak in riddles.
You don’t leave people confused.
But that hasn’t stopped people taking it upon themselves to explain what God meant when he said the things he said.
Or to interpret the life of Jesus as if it too was a thing of great complexity.
Something lying well out of the reach of mere mortals.
Jesus did not attribute any value to worldly praise and adoration.
He considered the pursuit of such treasures corrupt and insincere.
He didn’t address people the way the contemporary human being does by jumping on social media to educate the world on something that has already been taught to death.
And he was never sharing his thoughts and opinions on God. He was sharing the thoughts and opinions of God, as God wanted us to understand them.
Jesus spoke for God.
And God has testified that he – God - is the life we belong to.
Not some incorporeal fantasy looking lovingly upon those who continue to exploit and abuse life.
It is his life.
His Words.
Not mine.
Jesus was teaching us how to lead a life that was not abusive to God. No way was Jesus or God going to make understanding that message – a message God’s dignity and life depended on – a confusing or complex task.
In our world of abuse people love to be seen as smart.
Even when sharing the intellectual property of others.
Yes - the world is full of clever thieves.
We love to make a big show of nothing. You see this most clearly through a simple act of kindness.
Kindness should be a default setting.
It shouldn’t even raise an eyebrow.
Well, that’s in a world built on the principles lived and taught by Jesus and the instructions handed down by God.
Here’s the thing about God and Jesus.
God revealed his true nature to the world just as Jesus said he would.
He shared it through a helper in a little room, in a small country town called Cootamundra, in the state of New South Wales, Australia.
This was where the helper was, when God’s revelation took place.
Here God spoke seven words, which took less than three seconds to deliver. They were a response to one of the few requests that helper has ever made of God.
'I will do your work, but please help explain you so even the staunchest athiest could understand who you are.'
The answer came upon waking.
‘You are the cells of my body’.
And that was that.
Later, on many occasions, he would use other phrases to describe himself.
Two of which bring to full circle and completion, the ‘I am’ statements God has been uttering since the beginning of time.
To Moses and the Israelites he said, ‘tell them the ‘I am’ sent you.
The, ‘I am who I am’.
And, on May 27, 2021 at 11.11pm, when God was telling me he viewed the worldly treasure that is designing the individual lives of our dreams a betrayal, he made the following statement:
‘I am the life.
Make no mistake.
I am the life.’
God himself has declared it a mistake – a rejection and betrayal - to believe him incorporeal.
And more recently, God shared his most definitive ‘I am’ statement. One that puts the final nail in the coffin of an abusive world.
‘I am the abused’.
In a world that loves to make mountains out of molehills, and a big deal out of nothing we may have become attached to the idea that God’s revelation would be an epic event.
But he’s already showed us with Jesus how simple and easy things were for him.
The world saw a relative nobody show up and state with great humility and simplicity, ‘I am the living Word of God.’
‘Live like me if you want to build a consensual life.’
‘I have been sent by God to show you how to live.’
‘Live like me, and you’ll be innocent of God’s abuse when he reveals his true nature and the world is condemned.’
‘Reject me, and treat life as you please, and you will go down with the world.’
What was so threatening about this message?
He said he spoke for God.
He didn’t say, ‘Look at how smart I am when it comes to God. You don’t need to follow God or his instructions. I know what he meant. Just listen to me.’
He did not say, ‘this is what God meant when he said this or that!’
And he did not share his opinions on God.
He said, he spoke for God.
And that he would never dishonour himself or God by using or exploiting God to honour himself.
God speaking for himself presents a considerable threat to a world that has built itself on the exploitation of God.
Today, God’s voice has become that of a victim.
In our world it is important to sound smart, and many choose misrepresenting God or assuming authority for him as the platform or stage from which to do so.
And it’s a case of here we go again, as history repeats itself.
God speaks.
The world turns away.
With a minimum of fuss, God has identified each of us as the cellular components of his body.
And himself as the life we belong to.
If gender is an issue, just call him Life.
It’s as simple as that.
But as simple as that sentence was for God to utter, the act of making himself real, and declaring himself to be ‘the life’, has grave ramifications for our world.
We can now understand existence in two parts.
Firstly, there is the life that is God.
And secondly, the world we have created that has abused, violated and desecrated that life with its non-consensual behaviour and expressions.
The world that screwed God in every which way it could.
With that sentence, God has fulfilled all of his promises and validated Jesus as his true living Word.
With seven words and in less than three seconds God has destroyed all nations.
Before nations ever existed, there was a life.
A singular life.
The life that was, is and always will be, God’s.
The life that is ‘all that is, seen and unseen.’
And he has, once again, reduced all life to a single ‘nation’.
The ‘one body’ that belongs to God.
God’s life is the ‘Israel’ we were told would unite all ‘humanity’ under God’s sovereignty and rule.
This nation – God’s ‘nation’ - has been delivered.
By God unto himself.
And his children are those who reject the world that abuses him and instead choose to live with conditional expression.
It’s ‘my body, my rules!’
God has gathered every single human being into one nation.
The nation that is his life.
More than a race or species, more than a ‘humanity’.
First and foremost, we are a single life.
The one body of God.
We’ve heard that before, haven’t we?
‘We are one body!’
Again, God and his messengers aren’t out for adoration, likes and claps.
We deliver God’s Word with the simplicity with which he shares it.
We are one body.
And that body is God’s.
Making the world we have constructed, the world that has exploited the physical, energetic and psychological life of God, the greatest act of non-consensual abuse in history.
It is not unusual for a contemporary human being to tread on anyone and everyone to be glorified and adored by the world.
And now that world stands condemned.
Just as Jesus promised.
We are witnessing the end of the world.
Just as we witness the end of any offender who abuses another life without consent and is caught and exposed.
If God said don’t do it or say it, or Jesus said don’t do it or say it, or either of them said don’t value or invest in it, then we shouldn’t do, say or value it, because it’s non-consensual.
Life does not permit it.
Anyone who chose to live a life unlike Jesus did so at their own peril. And he warned us this would be the case.
Perhaps they thought he was making things up.
Or that God was.
And true to form, as God‘s life collapsed, he spoke to the world once again.
Even revealing his true nature to the world, just as Jesus said he would.
Even telling the world he was the life we belong to.
Telling us He was the life that anyone alive could see was being subjected to a mountain of abuse at the hands of our world.
But in the world that loves brightness and volume, and in a world of people who prefer their own noise as opposed to watching for or listening to the voice of a long-suffering life, God’s voice didn’t stand a chance.
Truth carries no weight in a world that values the abuse and exploitation of life, over caring for it.
Yes, our world prefers to exploit God, rather than honour him.
Think about the two most prevalent human expressions we witness in the contemporary world today.
The first is self-promotion.
And the second is the self-righteous judgement - the calling out - of others.
How about that for a world.
‘I’m amazing, and I’m going to let you know about it.’
‘But you suck and I’m going to let the world know about that as well.’
‘Hey everyone, be like me. This is why I do whatI do!’
‘But don’t be like this person. They should be cancelled!’
What a messed up and hateful world.
What these expressions really mean is ‘my abuse of the world is okay, but yours isn’t! And I’m going to call you out on yours.’
The problem here is, if anyone is ‘gifting’ life something God or Jesus said they shouldn’t, they are guilty of abuse.
It does not matter if we thought life needed it. Or if we thought life might benefit from our abuse.
Our opinions don’t count.
Life told us what it wanted.
Life decides.
Because life is 'the life.'
God is 'the life.'
We don’t ask a woman who has been assaulted,‘why did you say no? What was wrong with letting someone do what they wanted to do to your body and life against your wishes?’
Or ‘Why are you so angry with your rapist? Why would you want to see them punished?’
That’s our world though.
It treats God like an idea.
‘I love you God, but because you’re not really real I am still going to abuse life anyway!’
But God is really real.
Always was.
And always will be.
He was real long before any of us were born.
And will remain more real long after we are gone.
And he will remain more real than anything the world of abuse could create for itself.
Those two expressions I mentioned - self-promotion and self -righteous judgement - probably make up around 90% of human expression in the high income world.
And yet God – or life - does not consent to them.
When we turn ourselves into a product, we are turning God into a product. We are taking a little piece of God and showcasing it to the world, saying, ‘look at me!’
All such behaviour has done is blind us to the pain and anguish being experienced by God.
And God’s own voice.
And when we judge someone, we are judging another little piece of God.
And when we do that in a public manner designed to humiliate or ridicule another, we invite other little pieces of God to become poisonous and corrupt in their function.
Whatever we are expressing and feeling, God is experiencing.
Love is the answer, no matter what anyone else is doing.
So that’s God’s revelation in a nutshell.
The absolute truth of our existence is this:
We have always been living God‘s life.
And he told us how he wanted it to be treated and cared for.
And he sent Jesus to demonstrate how those instructions should be interpreted and expressed.
Since the beginning of time God has told us that we should live with conditional expression.
The way of life that puts conditions on its expressions and demands, so it is founded on the instructions God has handed down and the example of Jesus.
It is the way of life that says ‘no’ to worldly treasures, and instead chooses to care for life as life asked to be cared for.
Conditional expression is the only way of life God consents to.
But that makes sense doesn’t it?
Why would life permit us to live lives that were abusive to it.
The world we built was not founded on God’s instructions.
It was not modelled on the example set by Jesus.
It was not based on the way of conditional expression.
And what does that mean for the world?
It means it is not something to which God consented.
It means it is guilty of the non-consensual abuse of God.
It stands condemned.
Along with anyone who chose to reject God‘s Word and instructions in all of its forms and went on to create an abusive life.
No one, not me or anyone else, escapes this verdict.
How do we define what an abusive life is?
God has already defined what an abusive life is.Only he can decide because every life was always going to happen to him.
Our legacy is not our own.
It is what God says it is.
Jesus was right.
The ‘princes’ of this world - including those who exploit God by claiming to love him but use him to extract worldly adoration and treasures - already stand condemned.
They bet against God and Jesus being real.
Just as many of the ‘faithful’ did.
But when the witness is God or life, and the abuser is the world, a lot of folk are going to go down.
We best tread gently when it comes to the sins of others.
Because God is shining a light on ours as well.
You want to know God?
You want to know how he feels?
What I have written here is tame.
God’s fury at his rape at the hands of an abusive and non-consensual world is palpable.
And so it is.
And should be.
The first formal book of God's revelation and direct testimony to the world was, 'Mediations for Action' - Your Full Expression with Love'.
It was published in 2017. How much suffering has life experienced - which means God has experienced it - since then?
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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