I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
‘Creating Your Own Reality is the Richest Gift You Received at Birth’ – Deepak Chopra
The concept that we can create our own reality, as suggested in the quote above by Deepak Chopra, is not a new one.
It is an idea that lay at the heart of contemporary personal development and new age spirituality.
Chopra was not alone in advocating this idea, either.
Many of the ‘big guns’ of the self-help world were fervent exponents of the ‘you create your own reality’ truth, and it would be embraced by millions around the world.
Visualisations, vision boards and other energetic tools of manifestation – or manipulation might be a more appropriate word choice here - were put on steroids as individuals sought to put into practice this wisdom, inspired by thought leaders who had become household names.
Millions of people, yearning for a better life for themselves, set about putting the ‘richest gift’ they had been given to work - the gift of creating a reality that fulfilled their individual dreams and desires.
Tragically, the impact of this on life in its entirety was devastating.
Never had life experienced energetic abuse so ferocious and intense.
You see, our ability to do this is real.
But it was no gift.
It is an opportunity. Something that can be used to significant effect by any individual.
We can get – within reason - what we want.
Or create the reality we want.
Just like Adam and Eve could taste of the apple from the tree of knowledge.
It was there.
It was tempting.
And it could be done.
But people choosing to go for it would be devastating for life.
The catastrophic impact this period had on life was not the result of our ability to create the lives we wanted. It was due to the fact we set about actioning it.
This capacity for creating the reality we want, was no more a gift than the apple was.
To do so is a take.
An abuse.
An act of energetic and material self-service.
This moment in time will be remembered as one where countless individual human beings were so blind to the needs of the life they belonged to, they wholeheartedly embraced an intense pursuit of the life they always wanted for themselves.
While life spiralled towards collapse.
If ever there was an apple offered to the contemporary children of Eve, it was concepts such as this, along with its close cousin, that other great pearl of wisdom, the universe will provide.
And didn’t we go for them.
Tragically, not only were these individually centred beliefs energetically catastrophic to life, but they also completely transformed the thinking and psychology of the high-income world.
We became ‘want’ focused.
Nothing was adequate anymore.
Not our bodies, not our jobs, not our lifestyles and, in many cases, not the people around us.
After all, we could create the reality we wanted. Why wouldn’t we want something better. Or something more.
Why wouldn’t we desire an ageless and materially abundant life.
We put the blinkers on and became obsessed with personal transformation while the miraculous and sacred life we belong to collapsed.
The truth of where our world is at, in terms of our most genuine priority, is captured perfectly by the fact we built a 40-billion-dollar industry focused on self-help and personal development at the same time the sacred life we are meant to preserve and keep holy has collapsed.
Books designed to guide us to a life of individual abundance – which life itself considers greed and abuse by the way - sold millions of copies.
And a philosophy called conditional expression, sourced in the word of God, and which stated life is collapsing, and that we need to put conditions on our expression and demands or it is going to shut down, could not be given away.
Most things the high-income world has been doing - physically, psychologically and energetically - are in complete contradiction to the needs and wellbeing of life, and to the will of God.
And that is a problem.
A huge problem.
Because God is real.
And the needs and desires of life are real.
One fact every human being should consider whenever they make decisions about their expression and the demands they place on our world, is that each of us is a tiny and temporary part of a greater reality.
And that reality – which is God, and our earth, the sacred placenta that supports his life – will experience everything we do.
The realities we create, define the reality life must experience.
And with our earth on its knees, and the human life we belong to ripped to shreds with viruses and a mental health crisis – not to mention the hunger and poverty that still exists today - that reality is ugly.
And yet, expressions of judgement, boastfulness and self-promotion are at an all-time high.
God did not give us instructions for the sake of it. They were handed down to safeguard his own health and dignity.
The health and dignity of life.
We have been obscene in our treatment of life. Murdering God, from the inside out.
You see, there are two truths to everything we do.
That is to say ‘my reality’ must be experienced by the greater reality I belong to.
If I live excessively, our sacred placenta must bear the burden of my demands.
And others must experience the reality of lack as our traumatised earth is denied her natural duty, right and desire to care and provide for life in the manner that she wants to care and provide.
We belong to a singular life, with a singular energetic system.
One body!
And, by imposing our own will – or our own reality – upon that body, we risk upsetting the peace and balance it desires for itself. Actually, forget risk, we already have!
Remember, ‘I am a jealous God!’
Instructions such as the Commandments were genuine instructions about how to care for the life we belong to.
By the life we belong to.
Making them – and other instructions - legitimate and formal documents of consent.
One of the oldest stories in history warned us not to go crazy for gifts such as the apple. The lesson? Just because we can, does not mean we should.
We love blaming everything for the state of the world.
Capitalism, social media, toxic masculinity...and so on.
But nothing forces anyone to act abusively toward life. That is why the story of Adam and Eve is so important.
Even as his life began, God offered us one of the most critical components of the how-to-care-for-my-life handbook, saying there will be plenty of tempting opportunities to live in contradiction to life’s needs, but you do not have to take them.
‘And I need you not to! My life and dignity depend on it.’
That was the message Jesus gave us by living the life that he did. Through his life God proved it could be done. We had evidence that a human being was not only free to walk gently on this earth, but that it was possible.
And the beauty of this?
He was no one special in the eyes of a world that looks upwards in the physical world.
He knew he belonged to life.
And it did not matter so much what happened to him, for he was far more concerned with making sure the things he did were not abusive to life.
The life he knew to be God’s.
Here we see the foundation of conditional expression. The way of life sourced in the word of God, where a human being puts conditions on their expression and demands so that who they are – the reality they create - is supportive of the needs of the reality their life belongs to.
It might not be the reality they want. Or one that fulfils individual dreams and desires and bucket lists.
But it is the one life needs from them.
Living with conditional expression is living with an unconditional love for life.
It is saying no to the things which are abusive to life.
Including the richest gift we have ever received – the ability to cause chaos and turbulence to the energetic system of God’s life, in order to create the reality – or life – we desire for ourselves.
Which in doing so, we send a clear message to God, ‘it is not your will God, that will be done, but mine!’
Imagine the cells within your own body, pursuing a physical and energetic reality contradictory to what you required for good health.
It can happen.
It is called overactive cells.
It is also called cancer.
And many other things.
Critical to our own existence is choice.
God has told us from the beginning of time how to treat life. We have been told of the expressions and behaviours that would make life sick.
We even had the example of Jesus to show us how this could be done.
Living with a gentle tread was not a pipe dream, reserved only for those we consider extraordinary human beings.
Even Jesus could do it.
So, anyone can.
Nor was it an idea.
It was what life required of us. And needed from in order to thrive.
Be sure when you consider reality that life has no idea what a celebrity is. And no idea what an influencer is.
Life – or God – places no value on business and economics, nor individual notions of success, wealth and abundance.
At least not above the preservation and care of the sacred dignity of God’s own life.
We love shouting out about physical abuse. And consent is a hot topic in our world today.
There is no identity on earth right now who has suffered more abuse, all without consent, than God.
Or life, if you prefer.
The freedom of conditional expression is clear.
We are all free to live in a way – by being prepared to put conditions on our expression and demands - that is supportive of life. We can choose to say no to the things which are abusive to life.
We were never given the gift or right to be abusive of life.
To abuse life was something we had to choose.
Every human being relies on the earth to sustain them. By being excessive we contradict the laws of balance.
We harm the resource itself and deny others adequate access to its resources.
Life is far simpler than we have tried to make it out to be.
To think people felt frustration and lack because they were unable to live a life that was abusive to life.
And others flaunted the spoils of excess, while children with swollen bellies died hungry in their mothers' arms.
Remember, the individual realities we are creating are always creating a reality for others, and a reality for life itself.
For God!
How could billions of tiny and temporary components belonging to a greater existence, doing whatever they wanted within that existence, ever be good?
I am tired of people speaking about a new reality.
There is no new reality.
We are what we have always been.
Our world is sick because we have made it sick.
And our obsession with creating our own self-centred realities has been a significant factor in its demise.
Along with our rampant boastfulness and the hate and judgement the self-righteous attempt to direct at the flawed and imperfect, and at those they deem inadequate as human beings.
No, creating our own realities was never a gift.
Just an apple we have been told not to take since the beginning of time.
Because taking it meant that life would end up feeling how it feels today. Sick as it has ever been and questioning whether there is any point in going on.
I read quantum physicists and others exploring consciousness and what it is.
God has told us.
A ‘higher consciousness’ in our physical world is embodied through conditional expression. It is the only way.
By living in a manner that supports all life.
That is what Jesus was demonstrating by living as he did.
It is what he was showing us.
And it is what we were told through the Ten Commandments, the Baghavad Gita and other yogic scriptures and through the Quran and teachings of Mohammad -may peace be upon him.
When it comes to reality, God is more real than us.
And our not believing in God, is like a cell within our own bodies not believing we exist.
Can you imagine.
‘No, there is no Tim! Tim does not exist. There is no being called Tim that wants us to be anything. We can do what we want because there is no Tim. I’m going to create the life of my dreams and the life I desire.’
So, the cells choose to behave in a manner that is contradictory to the needs of Tim.
They create their own reality. The one they want.
And Tim suffers immensely as he spirals towards a painful and undignified demise.
In the lead up to life’s - or God’s - most recent collapse we lapped up messages and teachings about pursuing the freedom to be, do and have whatever we wanted, when we wanted.
If we didn’t, we were not considered abundant.
There was something wrong with us.
Yes, we embraced our freedom in a way that was abusive to life.
It was not a gift.
It was a choice we made.
And we were so blinded by the promises of individual abundance and transformation, we didn’t even notice life's – or God's – suffering.
Or at least not enough to embrace conditional expression. The way of life that puts life first.
We forgot the greatest and most important freedom we have ever been given, was the freedom to say no to, and reject, the things that are or would be abusive to life.
I will end as I began, by speaking about the notion of gifts.
The freedom to create whatever reality we wanted for ourselves was no gift. But we could if we wanted to put ourselves before God.
But living with conditional expression is the greatest gift we could ever offer life.
Or God.
For it is the only way to truly honour God and take care of his needs, in the manner he has asked us to.
And he has told us this since the beginning of time.
I will finish by including a direct quote from something God once said to me.
These words were spoken on May 27 at 11.11pm.
They came at a time when I was wrestling with the contradiction between my own attachments and what God has asked of me.
‘If you reject me, I will give you everything you could ever dream of in the human experience.
Or you can honour me and tend to my needs.
It’s all yours to take.
Or sacrifice.
As it is for everyone.
Nothing anyone can do or say will ever change that.
I am the life.
Make no mistake.
I am the life!’
From God’s perspective it is clear.
We can go a long way to creating the personal reality we desire most, but if it contradicts the needs of life and the instructions God has handed down on how to care for our world, he considers it a rejection.
The lives each of us live must be experienced by life itself.
And they will either be supportive of life – or harmful.
Importantly, God will not deny us our right to live excessive or abusive lives any more than he would deny us our right to follow the life of Jesus.
Life knows us each by our true contribution. Not the one we believe we are making.
This is the law of revelation.
We are what we are.
But it is life – or God – who decides what this is.
Not us!
And anyone manipulating the energetic system of life – God's energetic system – is down in his books as abusive.
Life does not deal in or work to morals.
Right, wrong, good, and bad are not concepts God sweats over.
Life deals in nourishment and harm.
And each of us, through the lives we live, will offer one or the other.
There are many in our world who believe themselves to be wise and inspiring. And yet, have caused life incredible trauma.
Modelling our lives on Jesus was the only way we were ever going to avoid blame for the demise of life.
That is what Jesus meant when he said, ‘I am the way!’
And, what he meant when he said, ‘the prince of this world is already condemned!’
It was always going to be a big call to bet against God.
But here he is.
Revealing who he is, and the things that are abusive to his life.
It is a time of revelation and each of us should be very careful when pointing the finger at others. Best keep our stones in our pockets, because eventually there will be one with our name on it.
And we will have written it with our own hand.
And so, it is!
Click here for the Conditional Expression Philosophy
Click Here for the Full Library of works on Conditional Expression
Click Here for the Chapter where God states clearly that we are NOT to energetically manipulate our world. Which is his body. We never had consent to behave in such a manner.
Click here for the Chapter on the Laws of Conditional Expression.
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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