I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
I will preface what follows by saying none of it is about right or wrong.
Nor is it about identifying good and bad people.
What it seeks to do is explain how the things we do impact on the life we belong to.
To be clear, life does not bow to, nor give any weight, to concepts such as wealth, fame and influence.
Nor does it consider celebrity status, a person’s need to be impactful and influential or positions of power as valid reasons for abuse.
In life’s eyes, or God’s eyes, there are no valid reasons for abuse.
My job is to give God’s perspective on our world and express his views on the way we live.
And explain, as he has explained to me, the things that are abusive to life.
Of course, none of them are new. Jesus taught most of these things, and honoured life by the way he lived.
But they are now backed by truth and God’s revelation.
Turns out the only way of life that was ever going to keep life sacred and prevent the ugly collapse we are still experiencing was living a life that followed God’s instructions.
After all, it was his life he - and Jesus through his teachings and life - were trying to protect.
So, in this sense and in this way, both God andJesus remove themselves from the restrictive and defamatory boundaries of religion and spirituality.
Sorry Christianity and yoga.
You no longer speak for, or represent, God.
God has revealed who he is, taking any mystery - or control - over his fate and identity out of your fumbling hands.
No hard feelings, of course.
Take the following facts with you as we explore, from the perspective of God and life, a number of hidden ways we are abusive to life.
And that’s important. Clearly what we are doing to life is not what it wants.
It is not God’s will.
It is not life’s will.
For it is not his desire, or life’s, that our world feel as sick as it does.
Many people, celebrities included, are happy to weigh in on the issue of racism. It's a hot topic right now.
They shout from the rooftops, that in this day and age, it is just not acceptable to abuse another person racially.
And I think most of us would say we are happy to agree with that. It's commonsense really.
However, racial abuse is reasonably easy to identify.
And, even if it is the result of a clumsy and well-intentioned remark, the world is quick to pounce with outrage.
Quick to point out the obvious. That so-and-so said this, or so-and-so said that.
Even though so-and-so has already judged themselves, and revealed who they are, through their own actions.
And even though one million people may have already pointed it out on social media, it can't hurt to have one more.
Actually, it can, but that is a discussion for another day.
This same scenario exists when people say things that might be sexually inappropriate or are abusive towards another’s identity, gender or sexual orientation.
In these instances, we often see the abuse in the form of one person – or group of people - directed at another person - or group of people.
I must admit that I am at a loss to explain our outrage at these types of abuse in comparison to our ‘turning a blind eye’ to our ferocious and extensive abuse of life in its entirety.
Usually economically driven, or at least fuelled by the pursuit of some kind of personal profit - even if it is to be seen by the world as someone amazing and inspiring.
I refer to the abuse that brought life to its knees.
Abuse that sees our sacred earth traumatised and confused.
Abuse that sees around nine million people die of hunger each year because they do not have adequate access to our earth's resources.
Our sacred placenta and source of all life.
But our celebrities don't miss out when it comes to their bounty.
Nor do the wealthy and influential.
Tell me why it is inappropriate to call someone a name, but okay for people to live lives of excess in the same world as those who starve?
People living on an earth already strained to the point of delirium - due to the agony and confusion caused by our abuse - and expecting it to go above and beyond the call of duty when catering to the excessive demands of one says much about why life is shutting down, and it says a lot about contemporary humanity.
The name caller is publicly shamed and vilified, and those living luxurious and excessive lifestyles are celebrated, envied and adored.
Is it not abusive of life, and disrespectful to others and our earth, to make excessive demands of our world or exploit it for business or economic reasons, while children starve to death in the arms of their hungry mothers?
Let's consider some other overlooked, or perhaps justified is a better word, forms of abuse that have been crippling to the health of life.
I have addressed these many times and they all appear in the widely rejected philosophy of conditional expression - an approach to living authored by God and life in a desperate attempt to bring an end to the pain and trauma they were experiencing.
1. Law of Attraction and other energetic tools of manipulation.
Let's set the record straight. These are not tools of manifestation. When this term is used to describe such practices, it is done so from an individually centred context. That is to say, 'I am able to manifest exactly what I want!'
Or, when the celebrities and personal development experts attempt to be impactful and inspiring, 'you can manifest exactly what you want, when you want'.
In a broken world, where so many go without and the earth charged with providing for them is battered and bruised, this is nothing to be proud of. The life we belong to, God, understands this as manipulation and exploitation.
To life it is energetic abuse. It pulls the energetic system we belong to, a system that seeks only peace and balance, this way and that, causing it great trauma and confusion.
In fact, in life's eyes, this has been the single most damaging form of energetic abuse it has experienced in its entire history.
And it has been relentless.
Life, in the lead up to its recent collapse, asked in desperation that we be and trust.
To no longer make any individually centred demands upon her energetic system, so great was the trauma she was experiencing.
You know the saying coined by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, 'Let your will, not mine, be done!'
Well, using energetic tools of manipulation such as the law of attraction is the opposite. To God, and to a life that seeks energetic and physical peace and balance, and an earth that desires to take care of us all, it makes a clear statement - 'It is my will, not yours, that will be done!'
I promise you there is no God, life or universe secretly willing or wishing anyone to be excessive in their demands of life. Our world is one of balance.
Energetically and physically. And we all play a role in its balance or imbalance.
So excess, to life, is abusive. It causes suffering to our humanity and the earth that sustains it.
This is a fact!
There are many who rip into others because they don't approve of their form of abuse but through their own expression and demands have guaranteed life will experience imbalance and trauma.
Not only that, they have requested to the life they are abusing that their abusive requests be granted.
The invitation to use such practices represented one of the apples the contemporary world has been tempted with. And our widespread use of them mirrored Adam and Eve’s rejection of God’s instructions and their own taking of the apple.
From the beginning of time we were told, ‘don't do something abusive to life, just because you can!’
Because that is what severely messes up a life.
This is what causes trauma.
2. Hate-Judgement-Self Righteousness
Hate, judgement and any other abusive expression bring poison into our world.
They are abusive to the life we belong to and are brought into our world by the person being abusive. As physical beings in an energetic world, everything we think, say and do will carry an energetic quality. And this, in turn, will define how life feels.
And when hate and judgement are as prolific as they are in our world, our world must feel sick.
These are not expressions of love. And only expressions of love are nourishing to our world.
I have added self-righteousness here because there are many who would say hate, judgement and other abusive expressions have no place in our world.
But take the liberty of expressing them when the target, by popular opinion, is deemed to be an inadequate or unacceptable human being.
Such as Donald Trump, for example.
The amount of ugliness and poison injected into our world and directed at figures such as him is astronomical. The problem is that an ugly expression can be directed at anyone, but it enters our world and lives in our world at its source - the person who actions the expression.
In a world that thrives on love, any action that isn't love, makes it sick.
We turn out, what we turn out. And the quality of our expression doesn't change because someone doesn't meet our approval as to what an adequate human being should or shouldn't be.
Or because we deem them worthy of our abuse.
Hate lives in and is expressed by the hater. Not the person being hated.
You cannot corrupt another by your judgemental attacks. Only yourself, and life!
In this way, it is the hate and judgment of the self-righteous, because they believe it to be justified, that continues to be abusive to life.
And life is reeling from it.
3. Boastfulness and Self Promotion
It's never been more important - or expected - that we be people of impact and influence. And how do we prove to the world we are this? We let the world know.
We promote ourselves.
That's how we let the world know about our personal brand. And to get the memo out about how awesome and inspiring we are.
Now I understand the need for this from an economic and business perspective - but our world does not view itself as a marketplace.
Nor was God's health ever up for sale.
As soon as any expression has as its motive, profit for the expresser, its energetic quality disintegrates.
That's just a fact.
A charitable act is not charitable to life when it is promoted or flaunted by the person being charitable. When this is done, it actually harms our world.
Life does not bow to our contemporary need to be seen as impactful and inspiring. But it suffers any time our expression is self-serving.
This is what Jesus meant when he said, 'if your right hand does something charitable, don't let the left know.'
Jesus didn't care about anyone's need for fame and influence. He wasn't saying boastfulness is bad. Or that bad people boast.
His highest motive and the essence of his teachings – exemplified by the life he lived - concerned maintaining the health of life itself. What he understood as the body of God. And he knew boastfulness corrupted and poisoned this life energetically.
Life was never about us not being tempted by the multitude of possibilities that exist to abuse our world. Nor was it about us finding it easy to resist these temptations.
It was about our wanting to honour life as sacred, as a priority over any other desire we might have.
It was only ever our unconditional love for life that could preserve it as sacred and keep it healthy.
And this can only be practiced and made real in our world by putting conditions on our expression and demands.
It is in this way, and in this way alone, that one gives God and life evidence of their love.
Need the world to see and understand how amazing you are?
Then promote yourself.
But know that you will be abusing life anytime you did so, by diminishing its energetic health.
You will be turning out trash. And life will experience it.
4. Personal Development Marketing
One of the oldest spiritual laws warned us against pursuing the desire to influence others. Particularly when one has not been invited to do so.
Because the need to be influential can be catastrophic for the psychology of others.
When it came to the personal development industry, its exponents slaughtered the psychology of the high-income world.
A simple and humble life became inadequate and wasteful, as expectation grew that we could and should live out loud and force ourselves upon the world with great intensity.
Incredible jet-setting lifestyles were flaunted, and individual notions of success celebrated as our world became more educated on how to live than ever before.
How to do this. How to do that. Why I do this. And why I do that.
Never more educated on how to live by those who need to be influential - and our world never sicker.
This is no coincidence.
Life does not want to know we are here.
That's what being is.
Disrupting the psychology of humanity so you can be seen as inspiring and impactful actually destroys it. As we have now seen.
Sorry to harp in on Jesus, but I do so, not using him as a religious figure, but as someone who understood the true needs of life more than anyone else.
Because life – or God - told him what it needed.
Never forget the most influential person in history rejected the temptation of fame, wealth and influence.
The same carrot - or apple might be a better word - personal development exponents dangled in front of us. And, because we bought it, blinded by all it promised, the physical, psychological and energetic health of humanity came crashing down.
What happened to life as a result of our obsession with personal development connects to the previous section. The need to change the world – think 'I want to change the world’ - is an individual desire. One Jesus refused to fall for.
If I am going to be seen to be 'changing the world', then I need to promote my world changing influence.
Back to boastfulness.
God - or Life - does not give any weight to concepts and notions such as fame, wealth, greatness or celebrity, for that matter.
It wants to be well. And only understands our expression in two ways.
Or life-giving.
That's it.
The rest to it, is bullshit.
Absolute bullshit!
5. Intellectual Property Theft and Processed Content
Energetically speaking, theft is theft.
Steal a bike, a million dollars or claim authority for an idea that does not belong to you, and you are a thief.
If it's been said, and you know it has been said, repeating it is pointless unless you reference the true source.
That is the only way to bring any purity to an otherwise toxic expression.
Why would someone choose to omit the true source of the wisdom they might share?
Because, then they would not be seen as wise and inspiring. Which is true - because they are not being wise and inspiring.
They are being devious and corrupt.
But again, such behaviour is sourced in needing to be seen as a world changer. Which is a corrupt desire in the eyes of life for exactly this reason.
It makes people behave in energetically corrupt ways – through their actions and expressions - in order to be considered amazing by others.
So, by all means, portray yourself to the rest of the world as amazing and inspiring, and do so through the words and ideas of others, but as is the case with every other section written here, know that you are being abusive to our world.
Thou shall not steal was a commandment not because stealing is bad. It's because it is an energetically corrupt expression which harms life.
Stealing, of course, is rarely ever anything other than a self-serving act.
I do not refer here to the single parent who steals to feed a child. Just those who are so in need of being seen as a big shot they will claim authority for the ideas of others, without acknowledging them.
And in doing so, dishonouring the other person, themselves and, more importantly, life itself.
For all life is sacred.
Including the thoughts and ideas of others.
6. Not Honouring the Sabbath!
How important is rest and meditation to an individual human being?
It can be the difference between life and death. A breakdown and a healthy-functioning system.
And it is no different for life in its entirety.
Remember, first and foremost, the most essential purpose of the Ten Commandments was the preservation and safeguarding of life.
So, we can assume, in God’s opinion, honouring the Sabbath is a critical component when it comes to honouring life and keeping it healthy.
And it was reduced to a singular day for a reason.
When we all stop and rest, life stops and rests. The earth stops and rests.
Life meditates.
A physical system that works its arse off, gets to rest and recuperate. It gets to recharge.
And when we allow it to do this, we keep that life sacred. We honour it and prove our love for it is unconditional. We show it we truly do care about its needs, even at the expense of our own wants.
And we do this by putting conditions on our expression and demands.
Honouring life’s needs was never meant to be easy. To do so means we must let go of our individual wants and desires.
What happens when we fail to honour the Sabbath?
We abuse life.
We whip it and drive it when it is broken and tired.
Life has been experiencing great anguish at our relentless abuse. Largely because it gets no respite. We prostitute its health for our own profit - for our businesses and economics.
To life, actions speak louder than words.
And the action of not honouring the Sabbath speaks with clarity, 'I don't care about your needs life. I've got things to do and a business to run! It's not your will God, but mine that will be done. Even if it is backbreaking to you and brings you to your knees!'
God and life have made it clear from the beginning of time, 'I am not a marketplace!'
Again, honouring life was never meant to be easy. That's why the only power that could ever keep life sacred is unconditional love for life itself.
Unconditional love for God!
Which can only be actioned by our individual conditional expression.
By our being gentle on life.
The meek – the gentle - will inherit the earth. For there is no other acceptable way of treating our world.
In truth, there never was.
Which is why it finds itself in the mess it is in today.
7. Our Children
No being has wept more for our world's neglect and abuse of our sacred children, than God. I myself have cried these tears on his behalf and experienced his anguish.
His cry, 'Our Children. Our poor sacred children!'
In our world it would seem our children are either threatened by hunger, violence or the psychological traumas that are now ingrained into the high-income world.
The passing on of an approach to life that was destroying the psychological health of adults, onto our children, is one of our greatest shames.
I say, one of our greatest, because nothing sacred has been spared abuse and exploitation at the hands of our marketplace treatment of life.
Children measured and overburdened by expectation they will be 'successful', reach their 'full potential' and be the ‘best version of themselves’ in every moment. What do these things means to a child, anyway?
Telling a child they should be the best version of themselves or live with a growth mindset is pointless and ineffective.
There's a reason psychologists and counsellors are flooding our schools and therapy dogs walk their hallways.
Because childhood has become a psychologically dangerous period of a person's life.
The one time a person's life should feel light and carefree. The one time a person, in their only period of innocence, should be shielded from the threats of life, is now psychologically hazardous.
Parents blaming schools.
Schools blaming parents.
Children suffering.
I hear so many children, with scars on their arms and legs, and drugs and alcohol a significant part of their lives, lamenting 'what's the point?'
Wondering if there will ever be a break from needing to be their best and needing to relentlessly live up to expectations of greatness and perfection.
Wondering if there will ever be an end to the pressure.
'How awesome we are!', schools boastfully declare.
'How broken I am!', comes childhood's reply.
It cannot be considered a good thing that there is widespread psychological trauma among our children.
To put psychological pressures on children, beyond the capacity of their fragile minds to manage is abuse.
This is what abuse is! Subjecting someone or something to an environment that is not healthy.
Particularly when this is done against their wishes.
We can dress it up however we like. We can say we are driving them towards their potential or to becoming the best version of themselves, but the truth is, we are just screwing them up!
And don't even get me started on parents who flaunt their children online in order to make a fortune.
Selling a child is selling a child.
Oh! World, what have we done to our children?
As God continues to cry, 'Our children. Our poor sacred children!'
The Wrap
Our world is sick. Nothing that is sacred has been treated so. Even great acts of charity and kindness are lost to our world by our need to promote them.
We have, largely because we are blinded by self-righteousness and individual notions of success and abundance, created a 'my abuse of life is okay, but yours is not' world.
And it's an ugly world when some of the most abusive are those we adore and envy. Their lives even portrayed as the benchmark on how to live. How ironic that many people experience psychological trauma because they haven't been able to create an excessive and abusive life, and those who live a simple and humble lives, at peace with anonymity - the most life giving and nourishing life to life itself - are made to feel wasteful and inadequate.
But, hey, in our world, abuse against a singular human being is a source of outrage, our abuse of life itself perceived as success, greatness, impact and influence.
There is considerable darkness in the things we have considered light in our world.
At a time when we made our greatest goal and ambition being people of impact and influence, who leave a long-lasting legacy, our world collapsed.
We did have an impact. We have left a legacy. A legacy of energetic, psychological and physical abuse that broke the back of our world.
By reducing the individual human being to a 'personal brand' the selling of the human soul was complete.
And right on cue, life, overwhelmed by sadness, frustration and anger, shutdown.
God's blood on our hands.
And where were the religious and spiritual paths of our world as his life collapsed?
Busy cashing in on opportunities to create wealth, fame and influence on God's sacred but broken back. Profiting from God while his life disintegrated from abuse and exploitation.
No longer is it their right to speak on God's behalf. The authority, which they gave themselves in the first place, no longer has his blessing.
They can speak of God, but it is not God they represent. It is themselves.
God is saying the same thing Jesus said back in his time.
Deal with the log in your own eye, before you point out the speck in another's.
Now the purpose of this piece is not to diminish or view lightly the impact of racism or any other forms of abuse.
But if we’re going to be calling out the different types of abuse and how they damage our world, then nothing should be left out.
And that includes our abuse of life itself.
Particularly when the world is as sick as it has ever been.
How ironic that at a time when we have never been more educated on how to live, usually by those who have been most abusive, our world shuts down.
This is no coincidence.
What's left for us to do as custodians and members of a sacred life?
Honour it as sacred!
Like we were first instructed to. Do the things that support life. Even if it does come at a cost to us.
Allow it to recover and to find some semblance of peace and some sense that there was a part of us that truly did love our world unconditionally.
But talk, to a broken world is cheap.
It's watching us closely, waiting for us to finally put conditions on our expression and demands so that who we are, individually in the first instance, and collectively in the next, honours all life as sacred, once and for all.
And so it is!
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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