I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
One of the great human illnesses – one that has been brutal to the physical, energetic and psychological health of life - is the worldly need to be seen as someone special.
This is also true of its close cousin - another sickness - which is the need to identify ourselves as something, and formally broadcast what that something is to the world.
One way of indulging the need to be special -which is a sure sign of psychological agitation and disturbance within a person’s system and a distinct lack of peace - is by showcasing to the world how smart we are.
And one topic people love exploiting in order to do this is God.
I know of no other being who has been more exploited or misrepresented by our world of abuse than God.
And at the heart of this abuse is the sickness mentioned here.
To the people who seek to take God’s place,God’s Word is inadequate.
Jesus is inadequate.
We need their take on God to unravel his mysteries.
When it comes to God our world has become an intellectual free-for-all.
And most of what we read and see is lacking in the one thing required to make any comment about God honourable, dignified and just.
His own Word and testimony.
If someone wants to say, ‘God is this’ or ‘God is that’, shouldn’t they source the things they have to say about him on the things he has said directly about himself?
And if they haven’t heard from God, or do not know him, shouldn’t they refrain from commenting at all.
Isn’t that what misrepresentation and exploitation is?
Isn’t that how misinformation – which has the considerable capacity to harm, I might add – is established in collective thought?
When one applies ‘truths’ to things they do not understand?
If one truly believes in and trusts God, they will act as though they believe in and trust God.
They will express their belief and trust through the way they live.
Not define, and then explain a notion of God they did not learn from God.
It is this behaviour that puts one in the role of ‘god’ over God.
Can I justly explain who or what someone reading this might be feeling at any time.
Or explain why they might have done or said something?
No, I can’t.
I can take that unsolicited ‘liberty’ but I do not have their permission. Nor is it possible for me to know ‘them’ from their perspective unless they have told me directly what that is.
I would run the risk of misrepresenting them.
I might ‘educate’ the world about something that was never true when it came to that person.
And my unjust and non-consensual expression -my exploitation and abuse of this person - could have serious ramifications for them, and me.
But when it comes to God, fairness, justice and human rights do not count.
Our world does with God as it will.
Even the faithful.
All without considering his own Word, revelation and testimony about himself.
One online location which has become a mecca for those who wish to abuse God in the above-mentioned manner is the Medium writing platform.
The writers there have made God their bitch.
I mean no offence to anyone using the word bitch here, a slang term – quite vulgar – which describes someone submissive or subservient to another, usually in a humiliating way.
But the treatment of God on Medium is vulgar and offensive.
And I sought a term that did justice to the mistreatement, abuse and exploitation he experiences on that platform.
On Medium, writers’ rule over God.
He is what they want him to be.
And what they say he is.
There is nothing sacred about God there.
What is sacred there and what is worshipped is the opportunity to exploit and misrepresent him.
And yet for the ‘faithful’ to do this they must reject the Word of both God and Jesus.
God despised anyone who chose to explain who he was or why he might do the things he did without hearing from him.
This trait of God’s is well known.
He would say to people ‘tell them this’, or ‘tell them that!’
Faith in God is made real by listening to and trusting messages that come directly from God.
Not in embracing those who stand on his shoulders to crow about how smart they are when it comes to God, to the world.
Could one stoop lower in God’s eyes than by indulging their sick and desperate need to be someone special in the eyes of the world – the world Jesus told us to reject and the world that abuses God – than by exploiting God to do so?
He did not want people defining him.
He did not want people who did not know him explaining him.
He wanted people being what he asked us to be.
That was the key.
Not ‘knowing’ him.
But trusting him.
And expressing that trust by being what he asked us to be.
The life and teachings of Jesus echo this.
‘I am the way.’
‘I am the bread of life.’
‘I am the living Word of God.’
Everything God and Jesus ‘said’ – God’s direct Word - concerned how we should live and express our lives.
There was never a ‘feel free to make up whatever you want about me and educate the world on that’ instruction.
To God this was a vile and deceitful expression.
The work of a 'goat', and the way of the 'goatly'.
Those who do this educate others on what they believe about God. Not what he believes about himself.
But this is exactly how people on Medium show their ‘faith’ in God and express their ‘love’ for him.
By being unfaithful and cruel.
The worldly faith is not faith.
The worldly faith is not founded in honouring God by living as he asked.
It is sourced in being seen as clever and smart when it comes to God.
And in being able to define and explain God – in whatever way we want.
In fact, on Medium, abusing God has become quite competitive.
There, it is a case of who can exploit and misrepresent God best.
‘I know God better than you!’
‘No, I know God better than you! You’re wrong about him!’
It is truly sick.
And others who call themselves faithful watch on and cheer this platform’s obscene mistreatment of God.
They call what they read ‘truth’, and they will say these betrayers of God – God-robbers as God himself has labelled them – are ‘on point when it comes to God!’
Not only are people reading and embracing these self-serving misrepresentations and exploitations of God, but they are also assuming authority over God by confirming what is being written as truth.
They are literally validating, supporting and embracing the betrayal of God as truth.
In fact, one writer who has reached the top of the mountain of trash written about God on Medium, will, in one sentence write that his readers must become comfortable with the ‘mystery’ surrounding God and then define him in the next.
Maybe he needs to get comfortable with not knowing God and cease his misrepresentation, exploitation and abuse of him.
But that’s the worldly faith.
It will use God and Jesus to tell others what they should be doing and to call out the wrongdoings of others, but the Word of God does not apply to a worldly faith.
The worldly faith is not a humble and anonymous servant of God.
It is the ‘god’ that seeks to take God’s place.
It is the type of faith through which the one living it uses God to make a name for themselves.
How many writers on Medium would experience the worldly adoration and praise they receive on this platform without their abuse of God?
How many would be relevant without their betrayal of God?
Not many.
They believe they are known for how smart they are when it comes to God. And how faithful and loving they are when it comes to God.
And, perhaps in worldly eyes, they are.
But in God’s eyes they are known for their abuse.
For their exploitation of him.
And their misrepresentations.
And their crimes have come at a cost - a great cost to God.
Jesus and God warned us that how we lived and expressed our lives was the critical factor in honouring God.
And when it came to knowledge on how to do this they could not have been clearer.
But the world did not value honouring God in this way.
It chose to value being smart and knowledgeable about the possible identity of God and in explaining why he said the things he said, or did the things he did.
The only thing that could prove one truly loves God - the action of living a God-centred or life-centred life - was replaced by the need to showcase how well we ‘knew’ God.
And to educate the world on our notion of ‘god’.
The Medium faithful are not God-faithful.
They are world-faithful.
They use God to extract worldly treasures.
Medium is not a place where one practices the watchfulness asked for by Jesus.
Jesus told his followers God would reveal the truth about himself.
He wanted his followers to anticipate and await that definition of God.
The one that came from God.
The writers on Medium who explain and define God are now his competition.
And to become his competition they had to reject him.
And they had to defy Jesus.
They had to indulge the worldly sickness of needing to reign over God, instead of following God in the way that he needed us to follow him.
Through living a life of conditional expression.
God’s children are not defined by their worldly knowledge of him. Nor by the labels they attach to themselves.
They are not defined by the things they shout and declare about God.
They are defined by who they are, and through their being.
And by their lack of appetite for anything the world has to offer that sits outside the laws of consent God established through his Word in all its forms.
But that was embodied, expressed and interpreted for us in its living form by Jesus.
When a person says ‘no’ to sexual advances we are not free to abuse them just because we believe we know them better than they know themselves, or because we think we understand why they are saying ‘no’. Or because we think they might still be okay with our abuse, even though through their own 'word', they have made it clear that they aren't.
The ‘NO’ refers to how this person expects us to treat them.
Not how well we know them.
The ‘no’ means ‘no!’
If we act outside the laws of consent as specified by them, we are guilty of their abuse.
And so it is with God.
If God says, ‘do not explain or define me’, he means, ‘do not explain or define me’.
And if Jesus says we should be watchful for a time when God defines himself, he means we should be watchful for a time when God defines himself.
The worldly faith is particularly dangerous in the hands of those who have no great worldly triumphs to boast about but still have a ravenous appetite for greatness.
And a deep desire to be praised and adored by others.
To be someone special.
To them God can become their golden ticket.
In fact, it could be argued with simplicity and accuracy that the Abrahamic faiths have been founded on the rejection of God and Jesus.
And more specifically, Christianity on its rejection of Jesus.
He said be what he asked us to be and trust only in the definition of God that God would one day reveal to the world himself.
That meant any attempt to define or explain God before that moment represents a betrayal of Jesus.
God and Jesus always communicated with simplicity.
That’s always the best way to establish understanding and consent.
Isn’t it?
It’s the worldly who need complexity surrounding God.
How can anyone be smart enough to understand the ‘deep’ mysteries surrounding God, unless those with a worldly faith are there to explain them.
But they aren’t explaining them, are they?
They are giving their opinions.
They are offering up textbook misrepresentations of God, and others with a worldly faith are lapping them up.
Medium is a mecca for the abuse and exploitation of God.
And many who have become the spearheads of this abuse are those who call themselves faithful.
And those who cheer on their betrayals.
To do what they do they must reject God.
And they must reject Jesus.
Faith in God can only be established by faith in God.
In however he spoke.
And in whatever he said.
Not the worldly opinions of those who believe it is their place to rule over God.
God’s Word and truth is not defined by its worldly acceptance.
Or by the validation of anyone who has already betrayed God by taking his place by defining him and explaining him.
God’s Word and truth is established by its existence.
God has revealed who he is to the world. And he has revealed who we are to him.
But you will not have heard that on Medium.
Nor from the Pope.
They aren’t busy being watchful for God and his direct Word, revelation and testimony as Jesus asked.
They are far too busy being him.
And so it is.
To view more writings on conditional expression, all sourced in God's direct Word, click here.
For access to the 'Books on God's Contemporary Word' click here.
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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