I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
When someone like Deepak Chopra – a man who authored a book called, ‘How to Know God’, Vishen Lakhiani or Oprah Winfrey talk about ‘the gift’ that is creating whatever reality we want, bending reality or the laws of manifestation such as the law of attraction I can promise you they are each leaving out the most important law that governs our existence.
It is the law that sits above all others.
And that is the Law of Consent.
The ‘Law of Consent’ is a collective term for any law that has been handed down to humanity through the direct Word of God.
As interpreted and expressed by Jesus – the living Word of God.
What follows is neither spiritual nor religious. But is founded in absolute truth. Do not let terms such as God and Jesus fool you.
If you have trouble with them, replace ‘God’ with Life and ‘Jesus’ with the living representative of Life who showed us the way of life that Life expected us to live.
That’s if we love life – or God – unconditionally and seek to build the only consensual life available to us.
No exceptions.
God, through his own testimony, has identified himself as 'the life' – or the reality if you prefer – we belong to.
Yes, we can, within reason, create the reality we desire most for ourselves.
But it is the law of consent – the Word of the reality we exist within – which states that taking such liberties at the expense of its health and life will be considered a betrayal.
On May 27 at 11.11pm to be precise, God spoke to me Words I have written on many other occasions. I will include links to at least two of these at the end of this piece.
The Words he spoke were:
‘If you reject me, I will give you everything you could ever dream of in the human experience.
Or you can honour me and tend to my needs.
It’s all yours to take.
Or sacrifice.
As it is for everyone.
Nothing anyone can do or say will ever change that.
I am the life.
Make no mistake.
I am the life!’
God considers any human being using his life to create the life of their individual dreams a rejection.
Because it is.
It was God’s Word that we live as Jesus did. It was God’sWord that we live with conditional expression.
Every reality we create, and its physical, energetic and psychological impact, are God’s to endure.
We were meant to create realities that supported life’s desires for itself.
And just as it is for us in our world of abuse, consent is established with simplicity.
‘No means no’ for God as well.
It is also a case of ‘my body my rules!’
Nowhere will you ever see written that God or life permitted any person of influence to offer up his life to the greedy and wantful ways of the world of abuse.
Even if they are billionaire household names.
If a woman said ‘no’ to being touched or mistreated in anyway she did not consent to, would you say, ‘Sorry, so and so told me that being able to do what I wanted to you was your greatest gift to me?’
But not only did the big names in personal development and new age spirituality offer God or life up on a platter – the world went for it with relentless zeal and intensity.
First the physical form.
Then the energetic.
And now, largely through the global stampede into consciousness led by the commercial shaman – we have violated and exploited the psychological health of God.
Why would God – who is ‘the life’ – make space for us to abuse him?
The truth is, he hasn’t.
That has always been the problem. No matter what the world says about God, God is not accepted as something real or something capable of experiencing both abuse and the inevitable suffering that comes from it.
How often those who have demanded more of life than most will say, ‘life has been kind to me!’
But life says of such a person, ‘No, you have been unkind tome!’
Every time we extract or take something from life and every time we bend or manipulate life for our own benefit – be those extractions and/or manipulations physical, energetic or psychological – life must experience them.
Which means that God must experience them.
Or, for the benefit of the three names I mentioned above and others like them, the reality we all belong to must experience them.
Nothing happens within God’s life that is separate from anything else.
Winfrey’s excessive lifestyle exists within the same reality that fails to feed so many.
The swollen bellies of the high-income world exist within the same reality as the swollen bellies of the starving.
To think otherwise is ignorant and naïve.
Nature tells us this through the situation facing twins when they rely on a singular placenta for adequate nourishment.
If one is excessive, the other will be undernourished.
And underdeveloped.
It becomes a hazardous situation for all – the twins, the placenta and the mother.
As individual human beings we are all reliant on the same placenta when it comes to accessing an adequate share of her resources to live.
This placenta we call the Earth.
The principles at work with the earth – the laws of balance– are the exact same principles at work within the womb.
Where one creates a reality of excess, others must experience a reality of lack.
And the placenta will be traumatised by the imbalances it must contend with because of the conditions it has been placed under by the lives that rely on it.
Each of those lives have two choices.
They can become what the reality they belong to – life or God- has asked and wants them to become, or they can design whatever reality they desire for themselves.
The former – choosing to be only what God has asked us to become, God being the body and life we belong to – represents the design or living of a consensual life.
When lived with conditional expression, such a life is not lived with a sense of lack. For the unconditional love for life that exists in such a heart far outweighs any desire to create a reality that will bring trauma and harm to that life.
In this case, one loves God – or life – more than any self-serving or individually-centred treasure the world can offer up at the expense of God’s life.
The latter choose to build a non-consensual life.
They extract from life whatever reality they desire for themselves.
They stand on God’s shoulders.
Broken shoulders when we consider the abuse and trauma life has experienced because we collectively set about creating the individual realities of our own dreams and desires – instead of living with conditional expression and creating the consensual life-nourishing realities it asked us to.
Conditional expression being the only consensual life God permits- the way of life taught and practiced by Jesus.
The idea of creating or manifesting whatever reality we want for ourselves is a worldly one.
And it appeals to people who place their own wants and desires before those of the reality our world has abused.
Before those of life.
The abused life or reality we know now belongs to God.
To God – or life – no means no.
And through his Word, God was not offering us free choice, he was establishing consent.
There was no ‘free choice’.
Just as there is no free choice for us to treat another’s body and life in whatever way we want to.
Who among us, as tiny and temporary components of a timeless and sacred life, has the right to speak on behalf of that life, without that life’s blessing?
Let alone tell an abusive self-serving world they can do with its body whatever it is they wish.
To Mr Chopra – you should be aware that when it comes to knowing God, he himself has told us he is the life we belong to.
He has told us we are the cells of his body.
He has told us he is the reality you were offering up to a want-fuelled world. The one you told us we were free to exploit to create whatever reality we wanted.
And you offered life up on a platter, which means you offered God up on a platter, at a time when his life was already spiralling towards collapse.
To the world that has built itself upon the non-consensual abuse of God, I ask, ‘why would life – or God – or the reality we belong to - ever permit us to create any individual realities that were going to be abusive to it?'
The absolute truth is that it didn’t.
He didn’t.
We were told we could bend and manipulate God’s life – the reality to which we belong - to create the individual lives of our dreams by those who Jesus referred to as the ‘princes’ of this world.
They never had consent to do so.
And we never had consent to follow them.
They had life spinning its wheels and bending its broken back for us when what God needed – desperately – was our conditional expression.
Us spinning our wheels for him.
Us being what life has told us it needed us to be since the beginning of time.
Jesus showed us what was required of us if we were to become the ‘bread of life’.
Which means to live a life which tends to the needs and expectations of life. A life that is nourishing to life.
A life that is nourishing to God.
Jesus was neither a religious nor spiritual leader.
He was exactly what he said he was.
The living Word of God.
Which is the living Word of life.
Or the living interpretation and expression of what life –or God – considers a consensual life.
Anyone – no matter how famous or renowned they might be in the world of abuse – who influenced the world to live in a manner that contradicted Jesus or taught us to value the expressions and attitudes Jesus said we should reject, was pitting life against itself.
The only way of life God consents to is that of conditional expression.
There never was a ‘do whatever you want to me if it means you will live the life of your dreams!’
They were turning the world against the life we are living.
They turned the world against God.
When he was desperate for our unconditional love and care.
For what crime did Jesus say the ‘princes of this world stand condemned?’
It was, of course, the non-consensual abuse of God.
Of life.
God has revealed his true nature to the world.
And with the evidence he has predicted we have our epochal moment.
We are not a humanity or a species. We are not humankind.
We are a life.
And that life has an owner.
And many know this identity as God.
First and foremost, we are a life.
And sovereignty over that life does not belong to the influencers of today. Nor does it belong to any religion or nation.
Sovereignty over life belongs to God because it is his.
‘My body, my rules’…right?
Or does that change for the world of abuse when we are the abusers and God is the victim?
God desires the same thing we do – peace!
And he will not experience the life of his dreams while anyone of us creates a reality to which he did not consent.
In God’s eyes – or in the eyes of life – there is no such thing as a celebrity.
Nor do concepts such as fame, wealth and success carry any weight whatsoever. For they have been a gateway to the abuse of life.
But we knew not to value these things, if it was life we held sacred – more so than the personal treasures the world of abuse was dangling before our eyes.
It is conditional expression which is the only way of life that God consents to our living.
Because that is the life that offers itself to God. The one that causes minimal harm to life.
In our world abundance is defined by our ability to manifest the reality we want.
In conditional expression it is defined by one’s ability to live in a state of relative peace and contentment without any need to harm life– or God – in a manner to which it did not consent.
What is happening now was promised.
We turned on God, and now God, through his revelation is turning on us.
Using the only ever weapon he needed to put the world in its rightful place underneath him.
His own Word and testimony.
The sword of truth.
The life we belong to has spoken for itself.
If keeping life sacred and honouring God’s timeless Word of consent – that we live with conditional expression – is the highest motivation in our hearts, we know what to do.
And we know whose turn for rejection it is.
But to one and all – know that it is God’s life we each belong to. And whatever we bring into life, God will have to experience.
For better or worse.
We can be what life needs – gentle and peaceful.
Or we can become cancer.
But we are what we are, to God. Not what we say we are.
That is our truth.
There never was such a thing as a personal truth. For any truth we create for ourselves will ultimately be defined by God.
Not us.
And certainly not by the world that stands accused and condemned of the historical abuse of God.
And so it is.
For similar writings click on the following links:
God vs Contemporary Humanity in the High Income World
The Ability to Create our Own Reality was no Gift
For the two latest books sourced in the Word of God click on the following links:
22 Days of God and the Fight for Life
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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