I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
Let’s return to the beginning.
The beginning of life.
The beginning of what we now know is God’s life.
In the creation story, Adam and Eve were offered a shiny apple from the tree of knowledge.
They were told to reject this temptation - this opportunity - so that life could exist in peace.
This is the first time we were told God - or life - expected and needed our conditional expression.
If life was to remain sacred it needed us to be what it needed us to be, to feel balanced and well.
Then, as time went on, God spoke to Moses and the Israelites, handing down ten laws or commandments on how we were to live if we were to honour God above all else.
Here we were reminded of the things God does not consent to, while reinforcing his expectation that we live with conditional expression.
‘To honour my life and keep it sacred’, we are told, ‘you must refrain from these behaviours!’
He then ‘speaks’ again through Jesus.
This time, not just in ‘Words’, but through his life.
The life that he expects from us.
He offers the world a living and expressed interpretation of his Word and instructions.
Through Jesus he says, ‘Do not be confused. My Word is not complex. To understand how I want you to express your love for me – if it is love in your heart - look to this man and no other. He is the way. Reject any other ‘angle’ on how to serve me or on how to honour my body and life as sacred!’
Through Jesus he says ‘this is how you honour me and apply my laws. This is how you live with conditional expression. This is the only way of living to which I consent.’
And Jesus tells us not to boast. And not to judge.
The two most prevalent human expressions today are both non-consensual.
Self-promotion and the personal calling out or naming and shaming of another are - according to life - non-consensual human expressions.
Jesus simplifies all the laws that came before – ‘love one another as I have loved you!’
We are to love ourselves and each other as he loved himself and others.
We are not meant to be agitated and outraged by the humanity of others. We are meant to love and make space for it.
Remember, approval and love are different.
When a person tells us how they want to be treated – when they establish consent - whose interpretation of those instructions is most important?
Theirs or ours?
Of course, it is theirs.
Through Jesus, God takes away any grey areas concerning his Word. Through Jesus he says, ‘This is how it’s done!’
So if Jesus says don’t concern yourself with others - concern yourself with yourself, God is telling us that.
Through Jesus, God said to each of us, ‘you honour me as I have asked. Do not have your eyes so fixed on others, that you are blind to your abuse of my life. Tend to your own life. Make sure you live with conditional expression.’
Look at our world today. So blinded by, and fixated on, what we consider the abuses of others, we did not even notice that we have been flaunting and promoting the abuses for which we are responsible.
Mohammad – peace be upon him - received revelations from God.
And he said the same thing.
To honour God we must tend to and value his needs and laws - his Word and instruction - before all else.
Again we are told we are to live with conditional expression. To put conditions on our expressions and demands so we keep life sacred.
And so we will tend to its needs.
And then, in the lead up to the pandemic, God communicated with life saying the same thing.
But this time brought it into our world as a specific way of life.
It now has a name.
Conditional expression.
There was no longer any mask– such as religion, business or industry – we could hide behind.
God made his life real.
And, in doing so, made his Word real.
Establishing Jesus – not the worldly influencers who were offering his life up to us as an all-you-can-eat buffet so they could appear inspiring – as the only benchmark for how to live a consensual life.
God took the highest expression of every God-centred religion or spiritual path – his Word - and gave it a name.
Conditional expression.
The life that follows God’s instructions because one loves God.
And wants only to honour God.
It is not a life lived with fear, guilt, shame or lack.
It is a life lived with liberation and lightness in the heart.
It is the life Jesus said we should live.
The life that rejects the world – and its princes.
But this time God takes it further.
As promised, his chosen time of revelation came while the world’s abuse of him is at its greatest.
When even the faithful are using God as the weapon of choice to make noise for, and to be somebody in, that same world.
He reveals himself as he wants to reveal himself.
He makes himself known, as he wants to be known and understood.
He says ‘you are the cells of my body!’
He says, ‘I am the life!’
Forever changing how we understand life and the instructions God has been handing down since the beginning of time.
It doesn’t matter how we personally view life or how we want to serve it.
Nor does our personal view of God matter.
Life has spoken for itself.
Which means God has spoken for himself.
It does not matter what Deepak Chopra says reality is. Or what anyone else says.
God has identified himself as he wants to be identified.
With the simplicity that could only be conjured up by one who speaks on behalf of themselves.
How smart people have tried to make themselves stand out by explaining existence to us.
And God, with seven words and less than three seconds, destroys all that came before.
‘You are the cells of my body!’
And then…
‘I am the life!’
We now know life belongs to God. And we have ample knowledge and testimony from that life on how it should be treated.
No matter how rich, famous or smart we believe ourselves – the laws of consent apply to each of us.
God even gave us his interpretation of what a consensual life looks like.
God has stated once again, for the benefit of himself, ‘conditional expression is the way!’
And if such a life is to be lived to honour me and keep my life sacred, do it like Jesus!’
All God wanted - from the beginning of life - his life - was for us to love life enough, not to harm and abuse it.
To do this we had to reject anyone who said,‘here’s God’s body and life - his physical, energetic and psychological life - come and get it. Take what you want. It’s all yours to take. He will provide!’
And parallel to this invitation was another one.
While personal development experts and new age spiritualists were trafficking God’s life, God offered another path.
‘Hello world of abuse. I am here. I am the broken life you are abusing. I need your conditional expression. I am real. As are my instructions. And now, more than ever, I need your unconditional love!’
Someone like Deepak Chopra will tell us we need to look at life differently now.
But there was only ever one way of looking at it in the first place.
And God has been testifying to this throughout history.
Every intervention the same.
Live with conditional expression.
There is life.
The life that is God’s.
And there is the non-consensual world we created that has raped, violated and abused that life - by rejecting the Word of that life as to how it expected to be treated.
If we loved that life.
And that is important.
Rejecting the carrots an abusive world, through its loudest and proudest, dangled before our eyes was never meant to come from a place of lack - but rather a place of fullness and love.
Living with conditional expression was not meant to be done with a sense of going without.
But with a sense of giving.
A life of conditional expression is lived with love and lightness in the heart.
Why would one feel lack when they are building a life that renders them innocent of the non-consensual abuse of God?
Or life?
There is no need to bend reality or manipulate life to attract the things we want, because nothing the world can offer is worth participating in the non-consensual bending and manipulation – the abuse - of God’s life.
Why render oneself guilty of the abuse of God so we can extract from him the life of our own dreams, leaving him and many others to contend with a life of suffering and trauma?
Our collective realities define the health of the reality we belong to.
Our collective realities define the physical, energetic and psychological health of God.
Imagine all the noise and energetic trauma our world inflicts on life…
…The self-righteous judgment and self-promotion, the energetic bending and manipulation, the psychological trespasses into God’s mind, the outrage and violence, the mental health crisis, the anxiety and depression, the greedy and excessive lifestyles, the hungry children, the broken children, the lost and self-harming children…
Existing within you.
Even though you have asked, again and again, for the tiny temporary cellular components that made up your life to live as Jesus did.
To be what you required so you could feel peace.
To live with conditional expression.
Would you want the reality our world of abuse has forced God to endure existing within your own body?
Of course not.
All those things listed above are a legacy of our world.
All the result of the non-consensual expressions, attitudes and demands upon which we built it.
The princes of the world offered God up on a platter and we went for it with a relentless and obsessive enthusiasm.
At the same time God said, ‘I need you! Here I am. I need you!’
But we rejected God’s voice.
We chose the worldly voices and what they had to offer. Which was God’s life.
We were offered the apple even when it was clear life was broken, and God had identified himself as that life.
We have digressed.
We talk about ‘this day and age!’ as if we have progressed.
This ‘day and age’ is the worst in life’s history.
We have used knowledge and technology to desecrate the physical, energetic and psychological body of God.
We have stomped on it all.
Including the humanity of others.
There is no Sabbath.
We talk of work-life balance for ourselves but are relentless in the abuse and demands we inflict on God.
We are so far removed from love for our most sacred and treasured gift - our humanity - that we will desecrate another publicly, through our naming and shaming of them.
Turning the very thing none of us can avoid – our human flaws and imperfections - into a weapon.
We honour ourselves and desecrate others.
There is no honour in honouring ourselves.
And no love in a public and cowardly digital stoning.
How sick is a ‘my humanity is awesome but yours needs to be shamed and called out’ socio-cultural environment.
Self-adoration and promotion at a premium.
Unconditional love and compassion for others running on empty.
Of course - in conditional expression - true love and compassion only begin when it’s hard.
Love in conditional expression is spacious.
All are captured within its embrace.
Wherever the imperfections of a human experience can go, love meets it, with an unlimited supply of itself in reserve.
The love of conditional expression is not reliant on another earning its approval.
It does not attach standards to others.
It attaches standards to itself.
Every time our flawed humanity raises its bar, love meets it, and raises its own bar yet again.
Always replying with an ‘Are you done? For I still have more to give.’
It says, ‘Come as you are. That’s how I love you!’
Our world says, ‘if you come in any manner or style to which I do not approve, I will call you out, name and shame you and cancel you!’
Our world, in this day and age has become everything life did not consent to.
We perform and portray.
When life - or God - has stated clearly that all we need to do is ‘be what I have asked'.
When we use our ‘being’ to impress others or to promote ourselves, we cease to ‘be’, and we cross the lines of consent.
If it is life we wish to honour then there is no need to perform circus tricks for the eyes of an abusive world.
That’s like abusing God to impress his abusers.
The loud and proud - the worldly princes -- will tell you to shine your light and to live out loud.
But that’s how they justify and validate their existence.
That’s how they place themselves on centre stage. And how they stand upon God’s shoulders.
That’s how they get the adoring eyes of an abusive world to look at them.
That’s how they compete with God.
And that is how they stake their own claim for sovereignty and authority over God’s life.
A non-consensual and unsolicited claim over a life they have no jurisdiction to explain or represent.
Life has told us what it expects and requires of us - if we love it - because God has told us.
And that is our conditional expression.
The placing of conditions on our expressions and demands so that we honour God’s instructions on how to live.
As modelled by Jesus.
That is if we love life - in all its forms.
As ‘all that is, seen and unseen.’
If we bring agitation of any kind into life, it is God’s to suffer.
And while ever we exist in peace - regardless of what we have or don’t have, and regardless of what is happening in our lives - that peace belongs to God.
Recently, I asked God, ‘how far do you go?’
He replied, ‘as far as the eye can see, in every direction!’
That is from where I stand.
And from where you stand.
God has revealed himself to the world.
And in doing so has identified that world as his great abuser.
Now is not a time to dwell on the flaws and imperfections of others.
But rather, a time to look at the non/consensual physical, energetic and psychological abuse we might be inflicting upon God.
Or life, if you prefer.
This is the epochal moment of God’s revelation.
God takes sovereignty over all life, because it’s his.
Not yours.
Not mine.
And not anyone else’s.
To be a child of the world – to cash in and profit from its abusive ways - is now formally considered a non-consensual life path.
While being like Jesus is no longer religious hearsay and speculation.
It is the way.
The way to live a consensual life.
The way to nourish and support life as it asked to be nourished and supported.
The way to action and express an unconditional love for God or life.
The way of conditional expression.
That has been the essence of God’s Word since the beginning of time.
And so it is, and always will be.
God’s Word, from the very first moment he spoke to the world that rejected him has been unchanging.
‘Live with conditional expression.’
‘Honour me.’
‘Not the world and its princes, who will each offer up to you treasures that can only be grasped through the violation and exploitation of my life.’
So it was in the beginning.
And will be at the end.
‘Live with conditional expression’
Consistent and unchanging.
God’s Word in all its forms.
From the beginning until the end.
And so it is.
For other pieces such as this click on the links below:
The Princes of the World versus God - Part 1
I Will Change Shape to Honour Life - the Way of the Phusion Love Warrior
The Timeless Ambassadors of Conditional Expression
For the most recent books sourced in the Word of God click on the links below.
22 Days of God and the Fight for Life
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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